What has He done for you lately

I asked God for patience. Boy did He answer me. It seemed that on every turn there was another problem for me to deal with. One instance involved a person who was particularly grievous to my heart. Actually this person vexed my spirit. It was all I could do to muster up the strength to even talk to this person in a civil manner. Everyday I found myself crying out to the Lord. GOd I so want to help but they’re not receptive. How can I fight this battle? Why won’t they listen? Why are they fighting me on every turn? Why won’t they hear? Then it hit me. Didn’t you ask for patience?

Fast forward about two weeks and I can now see progress in this person. It has become more tolerable to deal with the issues and the rapport is much more favorable. I thought God had put me in the middle of hell but what He was trying to do was teach me what I asked for – patience.

It’s easy to get burdened down with the cares of life and feel sorry for yourself. It doesn’t take much to question “why me?” Truthfully however, it’s important to be reminded that God is always working in our lives. He never leaves us or forsakes us. His providential hand is always upon us. Even in the middle of our mess He’s right there working through all the stuff to make sure that we are victorious in the end.In our test there is always a testimony so that God is always doing something for us and ultimately He gets the glory.

I thank God for helping me to wrk on my patience. It’s more than a notion but I now understand that as a child of God seeking to become more like Jesus, it takes much prayer and ,uch fortitude to deal with the least the last and the lost. Thank you God for this lesson.

What has He done for you lately?

One comment on “What has He done for you lately

  1. Nevea Lane says:

    Amen and amen.

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