How to Make Money With a Blog?

How to Make Money With a Blog?
Author: Duinu Vlad


In light of the fast rising popularity of the World Wide Web, internet blogging has become quite common. What was once a relatively unknown online service known as blogging has now become a very staple of what makes the internet exactly what is. Because of this, some savvy entrepreneurs see this as a great investment opportunity which has left a lot of people wondering How to Make Money With a Blog.

And surprisingly, it’s not very hard at all to start getting paid for your own personal blog – there are thousands, and probably even millions of different sites on the web that are all aimed at showing you How to Make Money With a Blog; and of course some of these sites work better than others, and some may not even work at all. The most difficult part of the task lies in sorting through the various different websites that cover the topic of How to Make Money With a Blog, and for many it is simply not even worth their time.

Then of course you have websites that claim to be able to teach you How to Make Money With a Blog, but when you get to their site you find that you are required to pay hundreds of dollars in membership fees. Most of these websites are outright scams – sending your money to these companies is a large risk indeed. There is plenty of information available on the World Wide Web about paid blogging, and the majority of information is free. You should always be wary of any sites that are asking for you to pay upfront, especially when it comes to paid blogging.

But there really are people out there who are getting paid for their blogging services, and if you really want to find out How to Make Money With a Blog, however, you are going to have to do a bit of your own research. Because a lot of websites out there are only trying to make money for their own company, they obviously value their own interests ahead of yours. The only way to a get a true, unbiased opinion about How to Make Money With a Blog is to take the time and sort through those thousands or millions of potential websites until you find those that work. While this may take you hours, and possibly even days, it is a necessary step for anybody who is serious about trying to make it in the professional blogosphere.

But there are some signs to look for in order to make the search easier when you are trying to find out How to Make Money With a Blog. First of all, avoid clicking on “Sponsored Links” that usually appear on the top of the search results you will receive at any online search engine. These are nothing more than that – sponsored links; meaning that the company has paid the search engine to put their link ahead of the rest. Often times unsuspecting internet surfers will click on these links simply because they are the first ones they see, but the majority of the time these are going to be nothing but the paid membership sites you are trying to avoid.

Without a doubt, One of the best places where you can find out How to Make Money With a Blog is through internet message boards and online discussion forums. Here you will be able to talk with hundreds, and probably even thousands of different internet users from all around the world, many of which are blogger themselves. While some get paid for it and some do not, most individuals who maintain a regular internet blog do know How to Make Money With a Blog, some choose not to however due to other personal obligations.

Newsletters and newsgroups are another great source of some valuable information, too – many of the users that frequent these types of sources are people just like you, and they all want to make money off from their own personal blogs as well. Because of this, everybody stays on the look-out for brand new paid blogging sites, and when they find them, they race to the message boards or newsgroups to share their findings and discuss the new site with everybody else. Be careful however, for paid advertisements that are disguised as plain message board posts – these positive reviews have just been paid for by the company, and therefore are not valid in the least bit.

Another good way to find out more information on how you can profit from your blog is by visiting some of the most popular blogs yourself and contacting the blogger via email. You would be surprised at how many professional bloggers actually do check their email every day and respond to their user’s questions. Just like with any business, good customer service keeps people coming back again and again. Getting paid to blog is absolutely no different.

There are plenty of great ways to make money with your blog – it just may take a little bit of patience at first. But believe it or not, there are professional bloggers who are getting paid hundreds, and even thousands of dollars a week; and you can too. As long as you have a little bit of patience, perseverance, and of course, a little bit of writing talent, it’s not very hard to find out How to Make Money with a Blog.
About the Author:
Robert Jensen is CEO at PayingPost blog advertising network where bloggers get paid to post and advertisers can promote their products.

Book Swapping and Exchange Sites

The idea of exchanging your old used books for new ones you haven’t read is an idea which is gaining momentum across the internet. Used book swapping sites now boast hundreds of thousands of registered members and millions of used books ready for to be exchanged with other book lovers.

So what is the appeal? Why should you join an online book exchange web site when there are so many other ways of acquiring books? Well, here are some arguments for and against joining.

The Advantages Of Online Book Swapping Sites

Why should you join a book trading site?

Well, for a start, if you are someone who regularly buys books, it is more than likely going to save you a lot of money. Book swapping sites are free to join, and for the price of postage and one used book from your collection, you can get new books to read. Effectively, this means you can pick up a new book for under $2 – this includes hardback books, cookbooks and textbooks too. That offers the possibility of making big savings when compared to any other way of buying books.

Secondly, you can give yourself a pat on the back for recycling books and saving the environment in the process. Swapping rather than buying books means less trees are felled to produce reading material. Again, this can only be a good thing so far as environmental issues are concerned.

Thirdly, it’s a great way to declutter your book shelves and help out someone else at the same time by giving them a book they are looking for.

Book trading sites are also a great place to find out of print and hard to find books. These can often be expensive to find otherwise, and you can waste a lot of time looking for them. At book swapping sites, you simply add the books you want to a wish list and when it comes in to the site, you are sent an email alert saying its there. Much easier.

One more thing – the selection is huge. Sure, you can go hit all the used book stores in town and you might find what you are looking for but probably not. A used book club on the other hand has millions of books in their system. One swap site claims to have over 2.5 million books and that’s just on one site.

The Disadvantages Of Online Book Exchange Sites

Firstly, why not just use a library? Then the books are free right? Personally, I look at libraries as something aside from all other forms of acquiring new reading material because you do not get to own the book. You get a specified period in which to read the book, in many cases will get fined for returning it late if you’ve not done with it, and have a limited selection to choose from. Libraries are great, but they’re not ideal.

Used books are not for everyone. If you like your books shiny and new regardless of the price, then an online book swapping club is not for you. Most swap sites have rules about the quality of book allowed to be offered up for exchange but they are predominantly used books.

New books make money for the publisher and the author, used books do not. Whilst its easy to argue they have already factored in trading on the used book market into the price of a new book, the fact remains, buying or swapping used books costs them money and may affect new authors in particular.

The Verdict?

Either way, online book swapping sites are becoming increasingly popular, with millions of books waiting to be traded with swappers all over the world. Whether a book swapping club is right for you is a matter of personal choice, but either way, it is something to consider the next time you look at that shelf full of books you’ll never read again or choke on the price of a new hardback.
About the Author:
Mark Falco is an avid reader and is always on the look out for ways to save money on his literary addiction.

The Five C’s Of Co-Creation

How To Share Power In A Relationship – The Five C’s Of Co-Creation
By: Paul & Layne Cutright


The evolutionary edge for humanity is sharing power. As a species we are gradually moving from using our power in self-centered adversarial ways to sharing our collective power for the mutual benefit of everyone concerned. We are shifting from a paradigm characterized by me or them to me and them. We are just beginning to tap into the power of co-creation.

It’s going to take more than good intentions for us to pull this one off. We are all going to have to learn to think differently, make new distinctions and include new practices in our business-as-usual routines.

We offer you the 5 C’s of co-creation to help you create a map for your exploration of this new and uncharted territory.

The 5 C’s are commitment, communication, cooperation, collaboration and coordination. If you are intending to create a future with one or more people it’s a good idea to deep the 5C’s in mind and to check in with one another periodically to see if you are taking them into consideration as you progress.

COMMITMENT – Setting your intention. What are we all committed to? Can we all state it succinctly? Does the commitment generate enthusiasm? Does it live in our everyday conversations with one another in some way? Are there any obstacles to honoring the commitment to our fullest ability? How are we dealing with those obstacles? Are we all committed to doing what is in our power to do, to have the co-creative endeavor succeed for everyone concerned?

COMMUNICATION – Creating the environment. As human beings our relationships live in language. What we talk about and how we talk about it determines the emotional climate of our relationships. Is our communication style fostering safety and creativity? Are we communicating readily, honestly, and openly? Are there things we are afraid to discuss that need to be discussed? Are there unspoken emotional undercurrents distracting our attention? Are there any recurrent communication breakdowns and is there a strategy in place so they can be avoided in the future? Does our communication include acknowledgment and gratitude? Are people making requests in order to take care of their own needs and wants? Are we giving effective feedback so we can improve as we go? Are we communicating our unified purpose to others in inspiring and enthusiastic ways?

COOPERATION – The necessary attitude. Are we cooperating? Is our cooperation motivated by an inner passion or is it being forced by fear and the need to go with the flow of others intentions? Are we able to find a common path through adversity or is it every man for him self when the going gets tough? Are there any competing egos vying for the spotlight at the expense of others? Are we clear on the benefits of cooperation in this creative endeavor? What is at risk if we don’t cooperate?

COLLABORATION – Synergizing ideas. Is there an attitude that everyone’s ideas are vital to the whole? Are we able to express our ideas freely without fear of judgment or ridicule? As a group are we asking BIG questions that bring forth the talent of everyone involved and excite our creative impulses? Are we able to engage in possibility thinking, not limited by the past or what has been? Are we skillful in bringing out the best in each other? Is the system in which we are working set up to receive the avalanche of creativity we can generate?

COORDINATION – Synchronizing action. What’s the plan? How are we coordinating our actions in effective and harmonious ways? Do we all have an overview of how all the different parts are working together? Are we clear on individual areas of responsibility and accountability? What are the consequences, if any, for failure to perform? How does time play into to it? Do we have established lines of communication? How often do we need to reevaluate the plan? How often and in what form (phone, meetings, e-mail) do we need to communicate in order to coordinate effectively?

We all play a vital part in the emerging paradigm of co-creation.  Discovering our unique contribution is part of the adventure. We hope that using the 5 C’s will help you better play your part in fulfilling the promise of humanity’s evolutionary potential.

We have found it very helpful to use written agreements that clarify the foundation of the co-creative relationship. These are the ones we like to use and we offer them for your consideration.

Co-Creator Agreements

1. I agree to bring my passion and talent to our collective endeavor.

2. I agree to speak the truth with compassion.

3. I agree to listen deeply and respectfully to others.

4. I agree to be responsible for my own needs, wants and sense of being valued.

5. I agree to acknowledge others generously.

6. I will readily use our predetermined protocol for resolving upsets in a way that fosters personal responsibility and collective harmony.

7. I agree to use mistakes constructively and practice forgiveness when called for.

8. I will strive to maintain trust and affinity and restore them if they are damaged.

9. I agree to turn my complaints into requests and communicate constructively to the person who can do something about it.

10. I will refrain from negative gossip.

11. I agree to manage my agreements with others in responsible and courteous ways.

12. I agree to encourage and be encouraged in bringing out our individual genius.

13. I agree to nurture a soulful connection with my fellow co-creators.


About the author:
Paul and Layne Cutright are authors of multiple books. They offer a variety of free relationship resources at their web site Subscribe to their Weekly Relationship Inspiration Program at and receive their How to Create Successful Relationships e-Course.

Marriage Is A Bond Of Many Dimensions

Marriage Is A Strong Bond Of Many Dimensions
By: James Wallis


There is one association, one relationship where this mask is thrown asunder by most people. There may be some who continue with it, but they are in a minority. This is the relationship of marriage. Not only is it the oldest relation that man has built it is also the foundation of human society.


Marriage is the foundation stone or the first building block of what we refer to as society. All other human relationships revolve around it. Thus it is marriage which leads to parenthood, brings uncles and aunts into the picture besides the other obvious relationships of grandparents, cousins, nephews and nieces etc.

Marriage is what gives us the family which is the next building block of every society. It is considered to be the most sacred of all human institutions and every religion in the world has sanctified it through the ages. In spite of all differences of race, language, religion and region, marriage is one common factor amongst all the facets of mankind.

Durability of Marriage

Marriage has survived all upheavals in the history of mankind. Kingdoms and nation states were established and destroyed. New religions were established. Even the ever-changing trends of fashion have come and gone. Human ideologies have been established and destroyed but the institution of marriage has remained intact.

Marriage continues to be a milestone in the lives of millions of men and women across the globe. It is the dream of every little girl to end up in the arms of her prince charming and the longing or fantasy of every boy to marry the most beautiful girl in the world. The urge to marry is something that begins even when a person is in nascent stages of growth.

Reasons for the Durability of Marriage

Several reasons can be attributed to the fact of marriage having survived as an institution through the ages.

Intimacy: No other relationship can provide the levels of intimacy as are available in the institution of marriage. This intimacy can transcend the physical and emotional planes and be so great that in given cases it may even seem to be spiritual in nature.

Emotional Intimacy: The intimacy enjoyed in marriage can easily spread to varied aspects of one’s emotional well being. The spouse is a shoulder that is always there for the partner to lean upon. No other relationship can give the kind and amount of emotional succour that one can find in marriage.

Physical Intimacy: The level of physical intimacy that can be enjoyed in marriage is not easily available outside this relationship. In fact for a large number of people marriage is the first relationship in which they can develop intimate physical bonding. Celibacy before marriage is considered to be of great importance in several cultures and is cherished by those who espouse it.

Social Status: Marriage conjoins the social standing of the two partners. Their social circles become one and they develop common friends. An invite to one partner is automatically extended to the other spouse also. All social functions are common for them and they are deemed to be one in every societal aspect. This is but an obvious result of the above stated fact that marriage is the first building block of human society.

Legal Aspects: In legal parlance a husband and wife are taken to be one for all social purposes. The law gives such importance to marriage that in most countries and cultures the dissolution of marriage involves lengthy and cumbersome process. This process is referred to as divorce. In case of divorce proceedings, varied aspects such as the custody of children, division of marital assets, maintenance, are taken into consideration.

Parenthood In today’s day and age, single parent families are seemingly becoming the norm. This may be because of divorce or children being born out of the wedlock. However even today, marriage signifies the beginning of a family. Since ages marriages have led to parenthood. This opens up a new window altogether for the couple and can bring them closer than ever before.

Growth: A marriage provides social stability to a person. It can stabilise an individual in numerous ways and be the beginning of a new chapter in his or her life. The avenues for social and personal growth in marriage can be manifold.


About the author:
James Walsh is a freelance writer and copy editor. If you would like more information on how to get a quickie Divorce see

How Do I Get My Ex Boyfriend Back

How Do I Get My Ex Boyfriend Back – 3 Important Tips You Must Know!
By: John Purden


Men are usually deep in emotions. They do not express well there feelings that is why they are often misunderstood. It is always painful in the part of girls when there boyfriend leave them with no particular reason, or if they had it is not sometime reasonable. How do I get my ex boyfriend back – the answer is by understanding men in nature. Through understanding how they feel and think about relationship could give you a good strategic plan.

How do I get my ex boyfriend back? It is easy. Just learn the three important tips on it.

First, how do I get my ex boyfriend back? Enjoy yourself first. Breaking up will give you mixed emotions. So it is helpful if you enjoy first and take time to relax instead of thinking always about the guy and how it ended up. Enjoying your life can give a good aura, wherein you will grow to another person, a glow in your face that will renew yourself. It is important that you will take good care of yourself first because sometimes worrying this much will lower your self-esteem and there is tendency that you will be ignored by your ex-boyfriend. So let him see that you are coping up or recovering well from your break up.

When you finally unwind and are ready to face what you really want, then it is important to keep in touch with him. Even the break up caused you a miserable feeling, the burning desire of yours to be together with him is what really matters. But of course, take it step-be-step until your ex-boyfriend realize that she needs you again.

Second, how do I get my ex boyfriend back? Be tough and flexible. By being tough you can decide properly. If you want your ex boyfriend to be back to you then be strong. Be strong in giving him the space that he wants for the meantime. Be flexible in dealing with your ex-boyfriend. Sometimes because of the desperation of winning him back, there is a tendency to be submissive. You can be over ruled by your emotions. Instead be tough and flexible. Know what is necessary and what is not.

Third, how do I get my ex boyfriend back? By being friend a friend him. The break up may be painful but there are still reasons for that to patch up. Being friend with him does not mean taking advantage of him to respond immediately to your feelings. But instead being friend with him means that you had accepted the whole scenario that you are not together in the picture. You are no longer a couple but instead two good friends. This may take a lot of time to accept but in this way being friend with him is one way showing to him that you are there for him.

The unstable emotions of men make them distant from their true feelings. Sometimes men need to open up their emotion to someone to be able also to understand how painful they are going through. Stopping themselves from crying or by hiding their true feelings, it becomes more difficult for them. so by being there with him, listening, it can be an advantage of winning him back.


About the author:
Want to learn the secret to how to get girl? Get free access to learn the exact secret on how to get your ex back quick, no matter how impossible your situation seems. Go to NOW!

Separating Love Fiction From Love Fact

Seven Urban Love Legends: Separating Love Fiction From Love Fact

By: Dr. Diana Kirschner


When it comes to dating and love relationships there are certain “love facts” that most everyone believes. But, surprisingly, if we look at the actual research about these “love facts” we may find that they are not facts at all. They are fictions, myths. This is key information for anyone who is interested in creating a great love relationship; separating love fiction from love fact makes you an informed “consumer” when it comes to your dating and love life.

Here are seven of these mythic urban love legends and what the research actually shows us to be true about them.



1. The divorce rate in the country is 50%

Fact: It’s never been 50%. It’s actually 41%. The odds are better than you think. And a college education decreases the likelihood of divorce. This is shown by more sophisticated research.


2. You have one soul mate and meeting that “One” is the key to finding love.

Fact: Research shows that love and marriage take hard work, including commitment, positive communication, and the ability to resolve fights. The best relationship advice I can give you is that you need to work on yourself and choose someone, a good friend with chemistry, who’s willing to grow with you. These are the keys to a happy marriage. Sorry, no fairy tale.


3. When you are married fighting is an unhealthy thing.

Fact: Couples who suppress their anger have a mortality rate that is twice as high as those in which one partner stands up for him/herself. Fighting with your spouse and then resolving differences is a healthy thing.


4. Living with a boyfriend/girlfriend gives you a better sense of who your partner is and will make for a stronger marriage down the road.

Fact: Couples who have not lived together before marriage have healthier and more successful marriages. They also have less conflict, less abuse and are less likely to get divorced than couples who live together before marriage. However, a more recent study shows that couples who have committed to be married and live together do have a 28% decreased risk of getting divorced.


5. On the online dating websites the majority of men are lying about themselves.

Fact: Independent research shows that the number is only about 20%. Common lies concern income, profession, age, marital status and weight.


6. It’s better to wait until you’re more mature and get married in your thirties rather than your twenties.

Fact: People who marry after their mid twenties just as likely to get divorced and surprisingly are much more likely to have a poor quality marriage than those who married earlier.


7. Choosing marriage means more stress and financial drain in your life.

Fact: Married people are healthier emotionally and physically and they have more wealth too. Study after study has shown that love relationships have a huge impact on our psychological, economic, and physical well-being. Having a life partner can create a higher sense of self-worth, provide intimacy and emotional support which fulfills the deepest human need for connection, and lead to greater wealth and economic stability.

As a result, married people may be happier, live more satisfying lives, and have fewer psychological problems, including depression. Many researchers say that these factors lead to better physical health, greater health-seeking behavior, and lower rates of alcoholism. Here’s the big take-away: for over 100 years studies around the world have shown that married people live longer and enjoy a higher quality of life than those who aren’t partnered!

You can learn much more about urban legends and the latest research on love and dating in my new book, Love in 90 Days: The Essential Guide to Finding Your Own True Love.

About the author:

For 25+ years Dr. Diana Kirschner has helped thousands of single women find love. Her acclaimed new book is Love in 90 Days: The Essential Guide to Finding Your Own True Love. For her etips, blog, dating articles, daily affirmations & discussion forum

My Page In History

shelia06I cannot explain the thrill of victory that I’m experiencing inside. A new day has arrived and history beyond my finite comprehension has and is being made. President Barack Obama! I’m not calling him President-Elect.

 He is President Barack Obama. Wow, what an amazing feeling. The First African American First Family. To describe the depth of this tremendous day, election, event, and historical moment in time, there are no mere words worthy to say but, Yes God Can.

Yes God Can should ring from hear on out, over every mountaintop, and every valley low. Yes God Can should ring from the hillsides to the hood, from the ghetto to the neighborhood of MTV Cribs. Not only African American children, but all children who have felt that reaching and achieving great things in life isn’t possible – now look at how the impossible just became possible!! To adults, young and old, who have all but given up on accomplishing their dreams, no matter how big or small. If it’s important to you, and it brings positive value to you, then it is worth saying “Yes God Can.”

For me, It’s Yes God Can to our people, to my people to all of those who have dreams but have come up on rough times. Hold on and don’t give up. God desires for His people to live abundant lives. He desires for us to do more than strive, God wants us to thrive.
There are times when life gets hard, the struggles get rough, the dream seems impossible, the way seems like we’ve reached a dead end. But if we place our trust in God, then His word does prevail. I am a living witness of that.

There is a blog I recently read by author, Iris Celeste. I didn’t send her a comment on it at the time because reading it made memories of what happened to me some eleven years ago resurface. It talked about the tragic death of someone she loved. Her story, believe me, is identical to mine. I became dead, lifeless, a zombie with no hope when my fiance was brutally murdered back in 1997. In the year 1999 the words I had posted in a journal came forth and transformed into my first self published book novel titled, Always, Now and Forever, which was released in 2000. That novel, though I wasn’t an experienced writer at the time, renewed me and brought me back to life again. It revealed my true purpose in life. Much like Iris, I realized that I was destined to be a writer. Two years later in 2002 I published a nonfiction book called A Christian’s Perspective -Journey Through Grief which provided further healing for me. I use it now to minister to others. In 2005 I was signed by a traditional publisher and have since published three novels with several more in the works.

I never knew from all of the pain, the heartache, the tears, the downfalls, and the spiritual battles, that I would one day make my own page in history, but God ordained that it would be so. No, I may not end up on the pages of history like the wonderful, oh so eloquent, people oriented, sincere and trustworthy man like our new President Barack Obama, who I am so extremely proud of and grateful to God for. But I have my own pages in history because the words God has placed in my spirit to write in books will never die. Somewhere, after I am long gone from this earth, I know there will be someone who will pick up a novel and the author’s name will be, Shelia E. Lipsey.

Are dreams possible? Yes. Is the impossible attainable? Yes. Can greatness be birthed from adversity? Yes. Go forth now with the sincere belief in your dreams and your purpose in life by remembering, Yes God Can!

Secrets Of Public Speaking

The Secrets Of Public Speaking – Follow These 10 Simple Tips
By: Andrew Rondeau


Is there anything more terrifying than facing an audience of strangers and knowing you have to deliver an entertaining and informative speech?

OK, some people thrive on this type of challenge! But the vast majority of us are at least a little nervous every time we have to speak publicly. In fact, fear of public speaking is probably one of the most universal fears throughout all walks of life.

Thankfully, public speaking is a fear that can easily be overcome with a little practice and the right approach. You can use the tips below to improve your public speaking skills.

1. Be prepared and practice.

The more you know what you want to say, the better you’ll get at it. First, brainstorm the topic of your speech and research it, if you need to. Write down all the points you want to make and then organize them into an outline. Fill in the details. Once you have the essential content of your speech written (at least in your head), transfer your main ideas to index cards. Write the main idea in dark ink on the front of the card, and if you think you’ll need cues, write them on the back of the card in pencil. Then, practice your speech out loud at least 3 to 5 times. If you can, practice it in front of a friend or family member and ask them for feedback and if that’s not possible, at least practice in front of a mirror. Do it until you can talk naturally, with only a glance at your cards. Don’t ever read your speech word for word!

2. Know your audience.

The better you know your audience, the easier it will be to connect to them as you speak. When you are able to make that connection, you’ll hold their attention. And seeing that you’re doing so will increase your confidence and comfort level, making it even easier for you to speak well. So, find out everything you can about the people you’ll be speaking to. Know what their “hot topics” are, inside jokes and so on. The more you know about what makes them tick and what interests them, the better speech you’ll be able to give.

3. Dress the part.

When you’re standing up in front of an audience, all eyes are on you. Like it or not, your image is important in this situation. So, dress to impress this particular audience. If you know your audience well (see #2), then you’ll have an idea how to dress. For example, you might dress in a conservative navy suit if you’re speaking to a group of bankers, but in a more casual, fashionable outfit when the audience consists of artists and designers.

4. Pay attention to the old KISS principle, that is, Keep It Short and Simple.

The key is to get your points across as quickly as possible. Don’t beat around the bush or try to impress with complex metaphors. Stories, however, can be a powerful public speaking tool, especially when they contain at least a hint of humor. But again, keep them short and on point. Shorter messages leave the impression of a savvy, smart speaker. They’re also easier for your audience to remember.

5. Speak clearly and at just the right tempo.

The mark of an inexperienced, uncomfortable public speaker is someone who speaks all in a rush, slurring words in her desire to get it over with. Don’t be this kind of speaker if you want to hold your audience’s attention. On the other hand, don’t speak so slowly your audience’s minds start to wander.

6. Use visual aids to illustrate your points.

Many people will understand your message more clearly when it is more visual. What we see often leaves a more lasting impression than what we hear. You can use slides, photographs, PowerPoint presentations, or even a simple whiteboard to add visual cues to your speech. One caution though—don’t turn your back on your audience as you use your visual aid, and don’t turn the lights on low for long periods, or you might be surprised to look up and see they are all sleeping!

7. Interact with your audience.

Lectures will rarely have the same impact on an audience that an open discussion will. Look for opportunities to involve your audience in what you are speaking about. Ask for validation of points you are making (“Am I right?” “Has that ever happened to you?”) or allow time for questions. Also, make sure to establish eye contact with your audience—and keep it—throughout your speech.

8. Speak with sincerity and passion.

You want to leave a lasting impression with the audience about your speech topic. So be sure you are true to yourself and your topic as you speak and don’t be afraid to inject passion and enthusiasm into the speech as well.

9. Come out from behind the podium.

You’ll project confidence and a sense of comfort when you have the courage to let go of the podium and stand in front of your audience with nothing to “protect” you. As you speak, you can walk back and forth across the stage, making eye contact with different people. Some speakers even walk out into the audience to get “up close and personal.” Be respectful of people’s personal space, though, if you decide to do this. You don’t want to be perceived as threatening or overbearing.

10. Close your speech in a memorable way.

Give your audience something to think about as you finish up your speech. Certainly, it’s a good idea to summarize your main points one more time, but then finish up with an inspiring story or quote, or leave them with a thought-provoking question.

Public speaking is an essential life skill that every person should strive to master. The ability to speak confidently in public will serve you in every part of your life, whether you are sharing opinions in a small group or delivering a planned speech in front of a group of hundreds.

About the author: Discover 7 Amazing and Powerful Secrets That Will Double Your Productivity And Reduce Your Working Week At The Same Time by receiving Andrew’s free e-Course and report:

About the AuthorAndrew Rondeau transformed himself from a $4 an-hour petrol-pump attendant to a highly successful Senior Manager earning $500k every year. Discover 7 Amazing and Powerful Secrets That Will Double Your Productivity And Reduce Your Working Week At The Same Time by receiving Andrew’s free Career Course and report

7 Tips For The Unofficial Leader In You

7 Tips For The Unofficial Leader In You
By: Amy Linley



A leader can take many forms in many different business situations, often when a person isn’t even “the Boss”. If you find yourself in a group with a deadline with no leader in sight, you may have to be the one to take charge. When this happens, what should you do and NOT do?

When people normally think of a leader in business they think of the boss, but being a leader doesn’t require a fancy title, or even official recognition. Leadership simply needs one person to stand up, take charge, and achieve the goal. In an ad hoc or temporary group, others might not see someone as the leader, but that one person could still make sure the group operates as a team and accomplishes their goal.

How can someone who has not been anointed or appointed accomplish this? Here are some tips for those that find themselves in an unofficial leadership role.

Tread Lightly

The leader does not need to be the smartest – or the fastest, or best looking. It could be anyone, but since it’s you standing up to be the unofficial leader, realize that others in the group may not agree. Simply proclaiming that you are in charge will cause more harm than good. Subtly is your best friend in the beginning of the transition from mob to team. Often, a leader can be created in the other’s eyes by simply being the first one to say, “Ok, so what do we do first?”

Crawl Then Run

The first hurdle for an unofficial leader is to get the group talking. What are their ideas? What do they think is the best course to take? Of course if everyone agrees on one direction, then this stage is done, but that rarely happens. Most often there will be two different schools of thought. The leader should not take sides, but encourage discussion of opposing viewpoints and plans. Stay above the arguments to mediate and stimulate the flow of ideas. Soon, one course will become clear, or at least more feasible than the other. When this happens, you may be surprised to see everyone looking at you to give the final judgment on what to do. Already, you have become the lead person to go to in their subconscious minds.

Group Triage

An important step for a leader is to recognize all the various tasks that need to be done to accomplish the goal. Who is best at what? Who would be most effective where? Hopefully you will already know, but most of the time you will need to find out. So ask what they would be best at within the available tasks to accomplish? You’ll get honest answers, but sometimes the answer is not what they are best at, but what parts of the work they would rather do. If they are the only one to volunteer for a certain task, let them have it. If two or more chime in, then prompt them to discuss among themselves who would be better suited. If they figure it out, great, but usually they will look to you to make the final decision again. Pay attention to their arguments and pick the best one for the job.

Not an Island

Realize that you don’t have to come up with a plan or best course of action all by yourself. You just have to pick the direction and get your people there. Recognize the best plan, even if it isn’t your own. Pay attention to complaints, and problems, but make sure to spot your own flaws as well. For the benefit of the team, volunteer for the job you are best suited for, even if it is one you don’t want to do. Remember that it is not about you being a leader, but your team accomplishing their goal and you are but one part of that team.

Not Omnipotent

Since you have no official power, there is nothing to back you up. You can’t hire, fire, or discipline anyone, so why should they listen to you? Remember, you will earn your leader position by what you do, not who you are. Since being a leader is not about ordering people around, you will spend most of your time suggesting the best possible course, or coaxing the others in the right direction. Your best course is to get your people to do what they need to do without them realizing you’ve done anything.


A group with clearly defined capabilities to match all the tasks at hand with an embraced purpose and definitive goal is ideal. That almost never happens in the real world unfortunately, but then if it did, the real world wouldn’t need leaders. Once your team is all facing the same way, you will probably find that some need to be moving faster than the others. An unofficial timeline, with specific deadlines is a nice subtle way to show where each person is at and where they should be. A quiet, private, chat with the problem group member might help as well, but make sure your persona is that of a fellow group member worried about the project and their own part in it, NOT as the unofficial leader. Group cheers and celebrations when one person or another accomplishes their part will help get the lagging member moving. Remember, “problems in private, praise in public.”

Following Your Lead

Nothing gets a bunch of people moving faster than someone heading off in the right direction. Ideally, the team moves forward together, but there’s almost always a winding up period. Set the example by attacking your part with enthusiasm, professionalism, and vigor. If they see you working hard, helping others, and generally doing everything you can to get the team to its goal, then they will follow suit. They will notice if you are cheerfully doing a job they know you don’t want to do. They will notice you listening to other team members, taking advice, and following directions. It will motivate them to do their part for the team and add to your role as unofficial leader.

The Good Follower

There is an ancient saying: “A good leader is a good follower.” This would be a simple paradox if not for the fact that most aspects of a leader involve following others. The leader will follow the best path for the team to take. The leader will follow the advice and direction of those in the team if they are better than the leader’s own. The leader must follow the leader’s own examples. If you look closely at the tips above, you’ll notice that each one requires the participation of the others in the team. A leader cannot lead without people to follow, but a leader can’t move forward without following the team.

Leading people is a privilege and an honor; both not to be abused. Being a leader makes you special, but you are not special because you are a leader. A leader is just a part of a team that together is working towards a goal. Accomplishing the goal… that’s the whole point to being a leader. It is not about you, your status, recognition, or the fancy title. It’s about making things happen. But, if you make things happen, then your status will rise, you will gain recognition, and, yes, get that fancy title. Always remember though, you can’t do it alone.

About the author: Amy Linley gives practical and usable advice regarding communication and meetings at AccuConference – Find out more about our conference call, web conferencing and video conferencing services from AccuConference –

About the Author
Amy Linley gives practical and usable advice regarding communication and meetings at AccuConference – Find out more about our conference call, web conferencing and video conferencing services from AccuConference –

EROTICA vs PORN: What is the difference? :PASSIONSCAPE by Hazel Mills

As an author or erotica, I am often asked about the differences between pornography and erotica. I believe that this article really hits on some key differences.

By Roxanne Rhoads, published Oct 21, 2007
Erotica is so much more than just porn though it is an ongoing debate. Some people see anything sexual as
dirty. That it is all pornographic. There is a difference though sometimes there is a fine line between the two
and like anything else it’s all in the eyes of the beholder.
I found the wonderful world of erotica when I returned to the writing world after a long absence. I was
struggling to find a place in the industry and a niche that I enjoyed when I came across erotica. Previously I
did not know there was a whole world of erotica both in print and online that caters mainly to women.

Once I found it, I was hooked. I have discovered that I love both reading and writing erotica. I have to thank Gracie and all the others at for accepting and publishing the first erotic story I ever wrote (which were followed by many more and later I became an editor at Tit-elation too). They gave me the confidence I needed when I first started out. I kept writing more and more and soon I had erotic poems and stories all over the web, in a couple anthologies and in Playgirl Magazine.

I am often asked by family and friends why I write “porn”. For one I’m a very sexual person and it seemed a natural course for my writing to take a turn into the area of sex and sexuality but I have to explain to everyone that I believe there is a difference between porn and erotica. I know some view anything sexual as smut or porn while others can relish the differences between them and all the areas in between.

To me porn is usually visual and geared towards men. Its sole purpose is to physically arouse and stimulate. I have nothing against porn, it serves its purpose, but erotica goes much deeper. Erotica appeals more to women and is often written by and for women even though there are both male and female writers and readers.

To me erotica can be much more real, while porn is often very unrealistic. Erotica can also tell a more complete story. If you read a regular novel about a married couple or a couple in love, it does not tell the whole story of their relationship because the sex scenes are often omitted or glossed over. In erotica you can get the whole story including the steamy sex scenes. Erotica stimulates the mind and the body, arousing emotions and the imagination.

I love to picture the characters and see them in my mind, watch the stories take shape and unfold. With porn it is all laid out, no imagination involved unless you take the time to imagine yourself in the scene. Erotica often has more depth with characters that are more realistic. It is more than just sex; it can be emotional, complicated, frivolous, fantasy filled, funny, sexy or serious. Erotica can be very diverse, as diverse as the authors who write it.

You can find stories that fit into many categories and many themes. You’ll find stories of love and passion, stories of submission, role playing, historical erotica, supernatural erotica and much more. Erotica comes in every color, size and flavor from mild to wild from vanilla sex to BDSM and much more. You can find paranormal erotica, sci-fi erotica, fantasy erotica and every day real world erotica. There’s something for everyone and it is so much more than just porn.

Article by Roxanne Rhoads for Associated Content

Hazel Mills

Happy Holidays from EDC


Happy Holidays!

EDC Creations, The Sankofa Literary Society and The Black Authors Network announced the launch of their 2008-2009 Give the Gift of Knowledge Campaign, bringing readers and authors together to help improve literacy. In 2004, during the Christmas holidays, Ella Curry, the founder of EDC Creations, reached out to women’s groups and literary organizations to help promote early literacy by giving new books to children from low income homes. Today, the “Give the Gift of Knowledge Campaign,” seeks to expand even further by giving the Gift of Knowledge daily!

Based on the “each one teach one model” our goal is to help people introduce reading and new books to their family and friends. Instead of giving expensive gifts that don’t shape lives—-let’s “Give the Gift of Knowledge” and help to strengthen our future generations!

Each year thousands of people — educators, concerned parents, community leaders, authors, poets and publishers — devote their time and resources to presenting the reader with great books! However, too many outstanding books do not get the attention and reader support that they deserve. It is our mission to connect readers with these hidden gems and bring them books that will change their lives.

Each week EDC Creations will sponsor bookclub chats, live readings from authors, podcast presentations, seminars, community relations discussions, and radio shows that deliver the best our writers have to offer. All we ask is that the readers of the world spread the word. Please share this email with 10 people in your network.


EDC Creations has a new eMagazine  that we would like you to check out. This holiday season Give the Gift of Knowledge. Send a love one a book that could change their lives! Enter the special magazine by clicking here.

Give the Gift of Knowledge. Want to make a difference in someone else’s life this holiday season? Donate an a book to a child, senior or your co-workers for the holidays. EDC Creations has brought the best in today’s literature in our new magazine. Explore new book releases, audio book previews, poems, short stories and written interviews with bookclubs and community leaders by following our EDC Creations eMagazine Blog.  Click here to enter magazine


EDC Creations 2009 Literary Weekends
It is our mission to help new authors gain exposure for their books. In the New Year, we will host weekly workshops and live readings in DC area hotels. Each session will be videotaped by Botts & Associates, there will be a theme for most genres and refreshments will be served. Please follow our blog closely to find out all the details. If you are an author or bookclub in the Maryland, Washington DC, Virginia, and East Coast area, reach out to us to be included in these weekly presentations. Please follow our blog closely to find out all the details.


Holiday Book Promotions
For the month of November only, EDC Creations is offering full promotions on the main EDC Creations site and the new EDC eMagazine  for $75.00. That’s right, you can advertise on either site, on the page you select for $75.00.

However, there will only be 5 books showcased on the front pages, these are based on first come, first served basis. We are offering our eblast services for $75.00 as well. All EDC Creations advertisements are $75.00 for November. Email Ella to get started promoting your book today:

Every Author Needs a Website–A Control Center
MySpace is a good social network for promoting your books. It is not like having your own control center, a virtual office if you will, authors need websites. If you want to appear industry savvy and to be taken seriously in your efforts, you need a place to represent you and your books in style! EDC Creations will start offering free consulations on this subject.

In order to help new authors represent themselves in the best light, EDC Creations will now offer starter websites for $399.00, complete with the bells and whistles. Contact Ella today to start your new year off right! We will only create 5 sites per month. If you would like a new website before the new year arrives, email Ella today.


The Black Authors Network Talk Show is looking for authors and poets to read Christmas, Kwanzaa and holiday material on the radio show. If you would like to write a short story or poem to be read on air, please email Ella Curry, the producer at:  Each night in December 2008, we will host a speaker reading their work live! This is a community celebration, you are all welcome to create something special and give it as a gift to the world. We would also like to host children reading their poems too!

Black Authors Network Talk Show
Meet us at:  8pm-10pm EST  Mon., Wed., and Friday nights
Authors dial-in number:  (646) 200-0402

Chat live with the guests in our chat room during the show

Warmest regards,

Ella Curry, President/CEO EDC Creations
Black Author Network Radio-Founder
Sankofa Literary Society-Founder
A Good Book-Marketing Director
Xpress Yourself Publishing-Publicist
WoMEN-NPower (DC Chapter) Member
EDC Creations is on  The Black Men in America blog!