Seven Tips for Black Women to Live a Happier Life by Tinisha Nicole Johnson

In this day and age when the world is changing, technology is advancing, and years have passed by in a blink of an eye, Black women may wonder about the future and how it will directly impact them. Today’s Black women are beginning to realize that change in the world, and they want a positive piece of it. From the test of time, many women are learning what it takes to be successful and get ahead.

Living in a world where you are constantly reminded that you are the minority of the minority, sooner or later you start to catch on and grab that piece of success. That success can involve anything from earning a living to raising a family. However, along the way you may begin to doubt yourself, you may even wonder about your self-worth, and at the end of the day, you want reassurance just to stay in the game.

Tip #1:
When your mind is stuck in the past, you are in fact a prisoner of your past, resisting the key to free yourself into a new direction for your future.

The past is gone. Sometimes you have to let it go. Black women love very hard. They feel as though they have to. It is their core source of strength. It is also a quality they fully accept from others. Whatever has happened in your life, you have to embrace the good and let go of the negativity, but always look ahead as optimistic as you can.

Tip #2:
Whatever your constant focus is on, is what will move you closer to happiness or deeper into dissatisfaction.

Focus on your strengths and refuse to accept being Black and a woman as a weakness. Train your mind to believe you are self-confident and capable, and soon your actions will follow pursuit.

Tip #3:
When you start to understand and believe the depth of your worth, then NO ONE can fool you into thinking what your worth is as a Black woman.

The media has a funny way of interjecting what is beauty and what is not; what is popular and what is thrown out. Don’t believe the hype! There are some who seem to have it all on the outside, but are hurting badly inside. Realize that your inner happiness means more than any outer material possession or physical trait. Love you, and the world has no choice but to acknowledge it and accept it.

Tip #4:
If something isn’t working then change your approach. Knowledge is everything. Along with knowledge and persistence, you will make better choices.

Believe it or not, you might be surprised that you don’t know yourself as well as you might think. Live life, get a life, experience something new, and be open to change in your life.

Tip #5:
Life just isn’t long enough to settle. The strength to change your situation is already inside you, you just have to realize and find it. Black women settle far more than they have to. They may want a change, but their actions tell a different story.

Realize you don’t have to settle. In some cases, it’s just demeaning to your self-worth. Recognize your strengths, work on improving your weaknesses, and always recognize the love that lives in the core of your soul.

Tip #6:
When you think others are holding you back, it’s your own way of thinking that’s holding many Black women back.

Many people resort to excuses – constant excuses. If you want something, go after it. Don’t allow insecurities or excuses to get in the way for too long, and stop your journey through life. More so, don’t for one second think you can’t accomplish your goals because of another human being.

Tip #7:
The quality of the relationship you have with yourself determines how many fears you have, and more importantly how you handle your fears.

You may have never thought of what type of relationship you have with yourself, but you should. You are going to be with yourself for the rest of your life. You might as well get to know yourself as much as you can. Always look for ways to enhance your growth – whether that growth is spiritual, emotional, relating to your career, family or health.

Tinisha Nicole Johnson is an author, writer, and poet. She resides in Denver, Colorado with her family. Besides writing, she also hosts political and sports teleconferences as a profession. Tinisha is a versatile author. To date she’s written a mystery novel, a romance ebook, co-wrote an inspirational anthology, and her poetry can be read in various books and online.

The above article is based off her upcoming book, Lessons Learned: Loving Yourself as a Black Woman published through Xpress Yourself Publishing.

To learn more and to sign up for my monthly newsletter, visit the author at her website:

This Day Never Forgotten

Who won’t remember this day in history, especially if you reside in the United States? Who won’t be moved with emotions regardless of who you are, regardless of what you’re religion is?

When you offer a new kind of hope to people, they begin to believe. When you offer a new kind of change to people who are suffering, they begin to believe. When a better life for you and your family is offered, you begin to believe. When solutions and a sense of sincerity is brought to the forefront, you start to believe. When Obama got elected for President of the United States, that change took place, and when Obama got sworn in on January 20, 2009 at noon, that hope and abundance of change grew alive and grew strong.

More than ever people believe that anything is possible. People believe just maybe their hopes and dreams can come true; that just maybe they can have a better life despite what struggles lay on the surface of their life.

God is good and He will always come to our rescue, not when we want Him to, but when He think it is necessary. The change has only just begun.

May God bless Obama, Biden and their families. May God bless us all and show us the way to the change we need. And may we never forget where we came from and where we are going. Obama has taught and showed us there is nothing wrong with dreaming big, because it just may come true if you believe and follow through.

Be grateful, stay humble, and become involved in the change!

Tinisha Nicole Johnson
Author of Somebody Prayed For Me, AVAILABLE NOW!!

October is an important Awareness Month

The month October touches on two very important issues. October is Domestic Violence Awareness and also National Breast Cancer Awareness. Domestic Violence is represented by the purple ribbon and Breast Cancer is represented by the pink ribbon. Are you or someone you loved affected by either?


Breast Cancer

2.3 million women in the United States are living with a breast cancer diagnosis. It’s a scary thing. Anyone regardless of age or race can be affected. It’s important to have regular annual checkouts and more if you have a relative or family member who’s been affected by breast Cancer. Early detective is so important.


Reach out to your family and friends for support and get the facts. Surround yourself by people who love you and reach out to cancer survivors.  


National Breast Cancer Awareness Month


American Cancer Society
Resource Link: 


Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence shouldn’t happen to anyone. Don’t settle and never feel you are not worthy of a violence-free environment. Domestic violence goes undetected behind closed doors way too often. Usually the woman or man is embarrassed that it is taken place, they are scared, and they believe or at least hope everything will get better. 


Around the world, at least one in every three women has been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused during her lifetime.”

Nearly one-third of American women (31 percent) report being physically or sexually abused by a husband or boyfriend at some point in their lives.”


Both statistics were taken from


Know that you have options and there are support groups. Don’t allow yourself and your children to continue to live in an unsafe environment. You are worthy of a better life – we all are.



Domestic Violence


The National Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-799-7233 (Call within any 50 states. Help is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year)


Article written by Author, Writer and Poet.
Tinisha Nicole Johnson
Visit the author at her site to learn more:

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Domestic Violence shouldn’t be taken lightly. If you don’t think you could ever become a victim – Think again! Who can be a potential victim, you may wonder?


Your family member

A neighbor

A close friend

The single mother
A married woman

The strong and independent woman

Your child






Join Authors Supporting Authors (ASA) on Saturday, October 18th at 9:00pm ET as Tinisha Nicole Johnson, Allyson M. Deese and Linda R. Herman discuss their new book, Somebody Prayed For Me. Amongst other issues that affect our society, domestic violence will be addressed on this Radio show. Although a fictional book, some of their stories are based off true stories.


Call into this LIVE show to listen or ask questions and share your stories. You can stay anonymous. Or you can also log into your computer and listen and chat online.


Date:    Sat., Oct 18
Time:    9:00pm ET

Call in number: (347) 838-9985

Log into your computer and listen/or chat live:


The National Domestic Violence Hotline is available in all 50 states
1-800-799-SAFE (7233)


Visit Authors Supporting Authors (ASA)

Visit the Authors Behind the Book


The Super Women of the World by Tinisha Nicole Johnson

Many have several thoughts on Sarah Palin. I personally admire the woman for a few reasons. She’s married with five children, the youngest of which is challenged, but yet is able to maintain a high profile career. She’s also family focused with a good head on her shoulder, and could possibly be this country’s next Vice President.


However, I do want to note that there are a lot of hard working women holding down the family, some single and some married or in a relationship. So I definitely want to give due credit to ALL the women in this country who are confident, working mothers, and still have to take care of the family, and still cook and clean and help the kids with their homework.


Women should be celebrated in this country. They are truly Super Women. And I do not like the media or whomever questioned her capabilities on how she’s taking care of her kids. Women do what we have to do. And we certainly can’t allow other people’s opinion, the media, naysayers or critics stop us. Okay, enough on that, that sort of hit me personally, but I don’t want to go on a rampage.


Nevertheless, I do on the other hand think John McCain picked Sarah Palin primarily because she’s a women. I also think he wanted to make history on the Republican side, as Barrack Obama has on the Democratic side. He wanted to gain more attention to himself, because he was envy of all the attention Obama has been getting. It’s evident in his commercials when he kept calling Obama a celebrity. That wasn’t negative at all. In fact, it had me thinking, “Wow, Obama’s a celebrity?”


Back to Palin. From what I’ve researched on my own so far, I believe Sarah Palin is very much so a business woman with Executive experience, but I can’t help but to wonder if she was the all around top choice for a VP pick. Now Hillary Clinton – definitely yes, but then again, she’s not a Republican and that’s a different story altogether. But the reason I say this is because when she’s quoted making statements like, “I’ve been so focused on state government. I haven’t really focused much on the war in Iraq,” that makes me wonder. She was quoted saying this March 2007 when Alaska Business Monthly interviewed her. Read the entire interview: If she wasn’t focused then, I assume she better get focused, if she is the next VP.


In conclusion, women in this country have come such a long way. However, by Sarah Palin becoming the first VP Republican nominee, it still shows there is improvement on women advancing in this world.  But regardless who wins the presidential race, although I know who I’m voting for, I hope women’s opportunity for advancement continues, and I hope there will be vast progression and improvement within healthcare, the current economic state, and the high price of gas.


Tinisha Nicole Johnson is an author, writer and a poet. She resides in Denver, Colorado with her husband and two children. She also hosts political telconferences. Learn more about the author at her website: Tinisha Nicole Johnson

Author, Writer and Poet

Inspiration plus Mystery

What would you do if after your loved one died, you found out they were living a double life? A life that could possibly get you killed. That’s what happened to Rahkel Williams, in the mystery novel, Searchable Whereabouts by Tinisha Nicole Johnson.

Rahkel’s beloved uncle who she treated as a father was mysteriously killed. However, afterwards she began finding clues into his life that had her thinking he wasn’t the man she thought he was. In fact, he may have been hiding a horrible family secret that affected three generations of her family.

After hiring private investigator Darrin Miller, Rahkel begins her search to find the truth aside from the police. Soon she will find she’s in over her head and it becomes evident somebody does not want her to know the truth, and they may even kill her in order to stop her from finding the truth. 


Searchable Whereabouts by Tinisha Nicole Johnson is available at, Barnes & Noble and at bookstores everywhere. Visit the author:



Have you ever been in a situation where you were on bended knees because of a situation you were in? Have you ever felt alone in this world and thought no one could understand or cared about your circumstances?


Well there is always hope through prayer. In Somebody Prayed For Me by literary sisters, Allyson M. Deese, Linda R. Herman and Tinisha Nicole Johnson you will witness awe inspiring stories, poems and letters that may hit home and cause your emotions to filter. The power of prayer is just that: POWERFUL!


Somebody Prayed For Me is an inspirational book for any age and is the perfect gift for any occasion. Visit to learn more. Pre-order your copy at and receive a free DVD of the book trailer and personalized signed book marks.


John McCain vs Barack Obama – VOICE YOUR OPINION

What is the main difference between Barack Obama and John McCain? You decide. Will you be voting this year? 
Some wonder if Obama is capable of handling and finding solutions to the challenges that face the US. McCain thinks Obama is just a celebrity with too much status. But regarding McCain, some wonder if he is just going to be just another ‘Bush’.
Politics aside there’s not one person that doesn’t notice how high gas is. And how screwed up the economy seems. When are our troops going to come home? The PEOPLE want to know what Congress and the next president is going to do about this.
Okay, back to politics…
Besides being an author, I also host Town Hall political teleconferences. It’s quite interesting actually. Although I can’t get into the specifics, due to privacy, I have learned what’s on the minds of Congressman and Senator’s alike. I’ve also learned what citizens like you and me are thinking about. One issue on everyone’s mind is Energy, the cost of gas, the economy and whether or not we should drill for oil in the United States.
In my opinion, it seems like both the Democrats and Republicans are doing more finger pointing rather than trying to come to a bipartisan and resolve todays issues and find solutions.

The National Democratic Convention will be held in my city and state this year – Denver, Colorado. I plan on attending some of the downtown events to stay in the know, or maybe even get an idea or two for my next novel.

Bottom line, something needs to be done, before we’re all paying like $10.00 a gallon. I think I would have to sell my SUV, if it came to that.

CLICK HERE to join in on the discussion and voice your opinion about these issues. Share your thoughts. Random comments will be picked and placed in my next newsletter.

Tinisha Nicole Johnson
Author, Writer and Poet