REVIEW – Wait for Love: A Black Girl’s Story 04/15/10

I am love sick and food is the cure

I really enjoyed this novel and felt like I received some answers to the low self-esteem issues. Ms. Hudson will do a number on your emotions with this one. You will want to kill the main character and other times you won’t be able to do anything but laugh because she just seems that dumb. Other times you will only feel compassion for her and want to treat her like she’s your child

We ride shot gun with Lynnette “Lynnde” Lee from the time of eighteen until forty. That may seem like a long time but I have to say it works well. The best of the book is the comic sarcastic commentary that is so on point it’s eerie. Lynnde gives new meaning to the statement “Looking for love in all the wrong places.” Her love life goes from bad to worse with each new love interest. Her relationships are turbulent to say the least and through it all she has her cure all….food. Over the years we watch her struggle to keep a man all the while struggling with her weight. While obesity is a real issue in our society, I have yet to see it dealt with in this matter and was pleasantly pleased with the end result.

I recommend this book to all as it’s very insightful and will cause you to do some thinking about folks in your life. I look forward to reading books from Ms. Hudson in the future I love her writing style and the direct talking to the reader is a welcome change, especially because she got it right and predicted what I was thinking.

SiStar Tea
ARC Book Club Inc.
4.5 star rating

Nilla Luv

You’re an adult much longer than you’re a child, so childhood memories remain with you your entire lifetime. Parents should keep this in the back of their minds as they make decisions for their children. Do they? Nope. That’s why some of us are just plain old to’ up today. We just won’t or can’t let things go! It’s hard to forget when all you can do is remember.

My issue may not be much of an issue with the state of the world today. My own inner turmoil that I must release at some point to heal is my lustful adoration of Vanilla Wafers. There, I said it, it’s out and time to move on!

Why have I held onto this for so many years? I’m 44 and this one memory keeps popping up. Wanda, it’s just a cookie. NO IT’S NOT! It’s the cookie that my mother NEVER let me have! It’s the cookie that only entered our house on special occasions. Since when did making a Banana Pudding overrule the hunger pains of a child? Mama why? Why couldn’t I have the dayum wafer? Why?

The mere site of the yellow box, the thought of the sweet taste as I nibbled; the feel of the delicate crumbs….aaaaaaaah….Did I get to savor these things? No! See, if my mama gave me one cookie, just one cookie, she wouldn’t have enough to complete her masterpiece. Hell, it wasn’t as if the lights or the gas would get turned off if I ate one. We wouldn’t have to live on the street over one cookie. I love Banana Pudding, but I hate what it has done to me. I wanted to flip to finished product over onto the floor and make it feel like I did. Hurt. Upset. Mad.

When I go to the grocery store I always speak to the Vanilla Wafers – “What’s up my, Nilla?” The box smiles at me and wishes me well. I don’t always buy a box but when I do, the wafers don’t stand a chance at becoming added to any other delectable dessert. They are all mine! Awww, Lawd, talk about overdose issues!

I bought a box of Vanilla Wafers last week. It was then that I decided to write this and hopefully get over my childhood issues. I don’t know if it’s working. I can see myself standing in the kitchen begging for a cookie and I’m still mad! What in the &*%$# is wrong with me? Geesh…

They say the first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem. I don’t know what the second step is. I do know that I’m going to eat every dayum Vanilla Wafer and think about the times that I didn’t get to eat them.

Yah’ll, it’s a cookie. Think before you speak to your child. So what they spill something; will the house disintegrate? No, and you won’t either. I have a little list that isn’t written down, but I have to let it go:

  1. One can of Cranberry Sauce on the holiday. Uhm…Cranberry Sauce is only available on the holidays? Ma, why? Why, Ma?
  2. Why did I get a whoopin’ when I fell off the bike and broke my tooth? Ma, Daddy, why?
  3. Why did we have to eat fish with the bones in it and get yelled at that we better not choke on the bone?


I love my parents and I had a wonderful childhood. I think I’m just missing my Daddy and reminiscing. Will I always have Luv for my Nilla? Yep…Nilla Luv….ahhhh, Nilla Luv….

I luv yah’ll.