Meet Author Monique D. Mensah

 Monique Mensah Tour l

Join Author Monique D. Mensah on a virtual tour…

EDC Creations and the Sankofa Literary Society announces the official virtual book tour of Monique D. Mensah, the award-winning author of the dramatic fiction, Who Is He To You. From September 1 to October 30, 2009, follow Monique D. Mensah on an interesting journey all over the Internet from the comfort of your home. Readers will be intrigued by the intelligent exploration of sensitive issues such as cutting, emotional abuse, depression, and drug-addiction.The first page which is filled with intense emotion and a descriptive setting that pulls the reader right into the scene. This virtual book tour is brought to you by EDC Creations Media Group. To learn more about our virtual tours, visit

Give the Gift of Knowledge Campaign

EDC Creations announces the launch of the 2009-2010 Give the Gift of Knowledge Campaign, bringing readers and authors together to help improve literacy and change lives through the gift of books. A sincere thank you to all of our tour hosts, wonderful readers and book club members who continue to support us and our authors and business owners. During our travels, we meet so many wonderful people and we look forward to meeting more of you, and getting to know you and providing what you need to satisfy your literary appetite. If you have not done so already, please sign up for our newsletter to stay abreast of new literary events and the latest book news, reviews and author tours. We select 4 newsletter subscribers each week to review newly released books for us. Register here for the  Sunday News from EDC Creations.

Prizes for Bloggers and Reviewers

We offer special gifts for those who support the authors during our Intimate Evening reading series on BAN Radio and to those who respond to the posts! To become eligible to win 1 of 5 copies of Who Is He To You by Monique Mensah, follow author Monique Mensah on her virtual tour and leave comments at the blog stops and interviews. The lucky winners will be announced on EDC Creations’ Black Pearls magazine blog on November 7, 2009!

Read Chapter 1 Who Is He To You by Monique Mensah 

How to Join the  Who Is He To You Book Tour

If you would like to follow the Who Is He To You virtual book tour, visit theonline media center frequently at  for the tour schedule. Meet her on the sites listed and add your comments or reviews. If you would like to host author Monique Mensah on your site, blog, radio show or magazine, please visit the online media center and select promotional material that will Give the Gift of Knowledge to your network.
Thank you all for Giving the Gift of Knowledge! Make sure to check out our bookshelves for gifts and books that change lives!

EDC Creations- Book Stores

Ella Curry, president of EDC Creations

Meet Author Gayle Woodard

lady-gayles-cover.jpgLady Gayle, you married into a well known ministerial family. What was that like for you?
When I married, it was good, but overwhelming. My husband’s dad was the Pastor and my husband


was the Minister of Music at that time, so he was very active and busy. The fact that my father was a Minister also helped a great deal as well because I already knew what it meant to be very active in ministry.

Considering where you are now, when you look back, did you have any idea that you would be affecting so many people’s lives?
No, I had no idea. But I knew that God had a plan and purpose for my life. I never thought it would be a Pastor’s wife, but, I love seeing the transformation in the lives of people.
I am a PK (preacher’s kid) so I know what it’s like to share your loved one with an entire community. How do you cope with sharining your husband with the world?

I cope very well. I know that it’s all about ministry. I put it all into perspective.
We both love people. I know he’s touching many lives.

Being a First Lady requires that you wear many hats. What do you do to find balance in your life?
I make sure that I always have family time and me time. From that me time, I consecrate and pamper myself and spend time with God so he can refresh me.
In the past, First Ladies have been quiet, demure, pristine role models relegated to working behind the scenes. Give us your thoughts about the new role more public role that First Ladies are taking in the 21st century church.

I think that in the 21st century, women are more confident in who we are and we really have caught the vision of being the rib of our husbands. WE understand that we are to be the helpmeet. We are to stand along side our husbands. I think first ladies are taking it to another dimension in ministry. In the 21st century we are leading out more and more.

When you are a member of a ministerial family, all eyes are on you. What advice would you give other First Ladies dealing with the pressure of being under such scrutiny?
I try to remember that it’s still ministry and that the pressures and the scrutiny are a part of ministry. I would tell any first lady to be yourself, but also remember you are an example to others and all eyes are on you. When people watch you it’s about ministry also.
Many people believe that when you’re married to a pastor, your only choice is to be a First Lady, but your debut book It’ s My Prerogative seems to say that being a First Lady is very much a choice. Explain this outlook.
I believe that you have the choice to reject the call by not supporting your husband. You can choose not to walk in the call, not to be a leader, and not to be in submission to leadership. You can be in wrong character and not work with him as a team. When you accept the call, you both work together as a team and you stand beside your husband in ministry and support the vision that God has given to him.
Also, God gave me the title”It’s My Prerogative”, so I could address some issues in this book from past experiences and from research with other first ladies. I felt I had the right to say what I wanted to in order to encourage other first ladies that walk in the call.
What message do you want readers to gain from It’s My Prerogative?
I want the message of the book to be empowerment for the body of Christ, Pastors and their wives as they accept the call, to walk as an incredible team together. I want every Pastor’s wife to know that it is an honor that God has chosen her to walk alongside her husband in ministry.
What are some of the challenges that are addressed in the book?
Challenges addressed in the book include the secret places of the first lady. There are many places in the lives of first ladies that sometime cause us to have to walk along in the call of ministry. I also address issues such as how to minister to your husband, how to wear the many shoes of a first lady and how to seek guidance and direction when become a first lady. Finally, I address being yourself and praying for directions and coming together with your husband to discover the best ministry for your lives.
What lies ahead for Lady Gayle?
I want to continue to say yes to the call of ministry and support my husband. I think God has placed in me to write more for the body of Christ. I want to make a difference in the lives of first ladies, women and girls. The First Ladies Support Group just kicked off. This is my way of building up the first ladies as we continue to make a difference for so many people. I also plan to continue standing with my husband as we embark on a great endeavor to build a 3500 seat cathedral at our Houston location.
How can one purchase a copy of the book?, and Koininia Christian Bookstore located at the Houston campus. For any first ladies interested in becoming part of the First Ladies Support Group, email us at

Meet Author Sheritha Bowman

Tell the readers about yourself:

I love God. After that I love cheesecake. Ok maybe not immediately after that. I love my family. I’ve been a wife for nineteen years and I’m the mother of two teens and one young adult. I love Gospel music, jazz music and the theatre. In my spare time, which is five minutes before I fall off to sleep, I enjoy reading.
The Diary of a Woman Pastor is an interesting title. How did you come up with it?
Growing up and even aas my time as a pastor, I’ve always kept a journal to document my joy, pain, ups and downs. God gave me the title way before I even knew what I would write in this book.
What inspired you to write the Diary of a Woman Pastor?
I needed to write the book for my own personal healing and growth. In order to get to the next level God was calling me to. I had to get the hurt, guilt and the heaviness off my heart. And the only way I knew to do it was to write. Secondly, I wanted to write this book because I believe many Christians fail to tell the truth. I wanted to tell a truth that many wouldn’t expect some one to tell. Nobody wants to talk about why they step down as pastor or why they leave the church or whatever. I believe as Christians we keep way too much hidden for sake of appearing like anything less than sheer perfection. Then we end up presenting an image that is so far from who we are and then we have people aspiring to that false identity we presented. We need to share more and not be ashamed of our missteps and mistakes. We’re all human and there is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus. Jesus forgives. So we need to forgive ourselves, move on and help somebody else.
I’ve read the book and realize that you were very transparent. Was this cathartic for you and do you think transparency is important when you’re writing?
Very much so. Our loves are not our own. Especially when we become Christians. We’re representing the Master. The word of God says, “sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth.” We want to tell our most honest and sincere story so that God gets the glory.  
You discuss relationships in your book. Can you give us some insight as to why some women remain in unhealthy relationships?
Half of us don’t know any better. The rest who do know better and stay have convinced themselves they don’t have a choice in the matter. We have to know God’s word for ourselves. I respect Pastors, counseling, and the advice of Mother Davis and Aunt Florence, but when it’s all said and done you have to know what the word of God says concerning you and your situtation. We’re not a cookie cutter people. We’re unique, fearfully and wonderfully made. It’s not a one shoe fits all deal. We must be Spirit-led in ALL things. Some people choose to forgive and work it out. Some people choose to forgive and move on. What did God tell you to do? The deicisons we make have to be well with our soul.   
Generational curses seem to be a part of your story. Could you explain how this affected your life?
High tolerence runs in my family. Especially with the women. It has been both a blessing and a curse. As I have grown up, I’ve watched the women in my family tolerate so much from the men in their lives. There is some stuff that we as women just ought not put up with, but we do. I had put up with some things in my marriage for a long time until I decided to trust that God really would have my back if I took a stand. Once I got bold enough, started loving on God, and then loving myself, I’ve since received the kind of love and respect that I deserve in my relationships.
The book discusses your departure from the ministry. How did you end up a pastor and what was it like when you had to step down?
I was first ordained as a minister and then pastor. I believe it was overzealousness that landed me in the pastorate. At one time you couldn’t tell me I wasn’t able to save the whole world! But after a while reality hit. I realized that although I can do all things through Christ Jesus, He hadn’t called me to do all things. Stepping down as pastor was one of the hardest things I have had to do in all my life. Yet I believe that each and every day we are learning and growing wiser. Just as we can’t be afraid to step out on faith, we can’t be afraid of falling on our faces. Even in front of folk. We must be confident in knowing that God will be right there with us every step of the way. He will never forsake us and He is faithful and just to forgive. We have to stop being so hard on ourselves. We need to let go and move on in the grace and favor of our God. 
What message do you want our readers to get from the book?
I pray this book inspires readers to make the necessary changes and decisions in their lives. Changes and decisions that are long overdue. Many pastors, employees and every day people stay in positions that were over for them seasons ago. Many dare step away out of obligation, fear, pride and even greed. But there comes a time where you have to stop serving two masters. Either you’re going to serve the Master of the truth which is God or the master of lies which is the devil. We have to be courageous enough to tell the truth and live the truth. It is the truth and only the truth that shall set us free.
What’s next for Sheritha Bowman?
More books and plays. Right now, we’re in rehearsals for my fourth drama production entitled, “GIRL. TALK.” Hopefully, it’ll tour nationwide.
How can our readers purchase a copy of your book>
All of my books are available through and or they can visit my website
God bless you Cheryl, thanks for allowing me to share my heart.
With love,