October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Domestic Violence shouldn’t be taken lightly. If you don’t think you could ever become a victim – Think again! Who can be a potential victim, you may wonder?


Your family member

A neighbor

A close friend

The single mother
A married woman

The strong and independent woman

Your child






Join Authors Supporting Authors (ASA) on Saturday, October 18th at 9:00pm ET as Tinisha Nicole Johnson, Allyson M. Deese and Linda R. Herman discuss their new book, Somebody Prayed For Me. Amongst other issues that affect our society, domestic violence will be addressed on this Radio show. Although a fictional book, some of their stories are based off true stories.


Call into this LIVE show to listen or ask questions and share your stories. You can stay anonymous. Or you can also log into your computer and listen and chat online.


Date:    Sat., Oct 18
Time:    9:00pm ET

Call in number: (347) 838-9985

Log into your computer and listen/or chat live: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ASA-Blog-Talk


The National Domestic Violence Hotline is available in all 50 states www.ndvh.org
1-800-799-SAFE (7233)


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Visit the Authors Behind the Book


The Super Women of the World by Tinisha Nicole Johnson

Many have several thoughts on Sarah Palin. I personally admire the woman for a few reasons. She’s married with five children, the youngest of which is challenged, but yet is able to maintain a high profile career. She’s also family focused with a good head on her shoulder, and could possibly be this country’s next Vice President.


However, I do want to note that there are a lot of hard working women holding down the family, some single and some married or in a relationship. So I definitely want to give due credit to ALL the women in this country who are confident, working mothers, and still have to take care of the family, and still cook and clean and help the kids with their homework.


Women should be celebrated in this country. They are truly Super Women. And I do not like the media or whomever questioned her capabilities on how she’s taking care of her kids. Women do what we have to do. And we certainly can’t allow other people’s opinion, the media, naysayers or critics stop us. Okay, enough on that, that sort of hit me personally, but I don’t want to go on a rampage.


Nevertheless, I do on the other hand think John McCain picked Sarah Palin primarily because she’s a women. I also think he wanted to make history on the Republican side, as Barrack Obama has on the Democratic side. He wanted to gain more attention to himself, because he was envy of all the attention Obama has been getting. It’s evident in his commercials when he kept calling Obama a celebrity. That wasn’t negative at all. In fact, it had me thinking, “Wow, Obama’s a celebrity?”


Back to Palin. From what I’ve researched on my own so far, I believe Sarah Palin is very much so a business woman with Executive experience, but I can’t help but to wonder if she was the all around top choice for a VP pick. Now Hillary Clinton – definitely yes, but then again, she’s not a Republican and that’s a different story altogether. But the reason I say this is because when she’s quoted making statements like, “I’ve been so focused on state government. I haven’t really focused much on the war in Iraq,” that makes me wonder. She was quoted saying this March 2007 when Alaska Business Monthly interviewed her. Read the entire interview: http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-30645076_ITM If she wasn’t focused then, I assume she better get focused, if she is the next VP.


In conclusion, women in this country have come such a long way. However, by Sarah Palin becoming the first VP Republican nominee, it still shows there is improvement on women advancing in this world.  But regardless who wins the presidential race, although I know who I’m voting for, I hope women’s opportunity for advancement continues, and I hope there will be vast progression and improvement within healthcare, the current economic state, and the high price of gas.


Tinisha Nicole Johnson is an author, writer and a poet. She resides in Denver, Colorado with her husband and two children. She also hosts political telconferences. Learn more about the author at her website: www.tinishanicolejohnson.com Tinisha Nicole Johnson

Author, Writer and Poet

PassionScape by Hazel Mills: Is Monogomy An Unrealistic Expectation?

Here’s how Xpress Yourself Publishing author, Allyson M. Deese, answers this question.

“Even though my ex husband didn’t believe in monogamy, I’m still believing and trusting that when the time comes God will send me a loving, kind, truthful, honest, spiritual, man who believes in monogamy just as much as I do.”
Allyson M. Deese, author of Discovering the Joy Within

Look at what God can do!



It is August 28, 2008, and I am in awe of what we can accomplish.  Today we have achieved what many considered impossible.  In no other country would this occur but in America.  Barack Obama has been nominated as the first African American presidential nominee.  I don’t know about you but I am inspired and motivated.  Look at what God can do.

We live in a country, where 50% of African American males drop out of high school and are 6 times more likely to be victims of homicide.  In a country where more than 28% of Black males are imprisoned even though they only make up 12% of the United States population.  Brothers and sisters we are a population crying out for help and until recently, no one seem to be listening.  I don’t know about you but that information is astounding. 

Are you aware that 70% of black babies are born to single mothers?   No, I am not just speaking of teenage mothers.  People we are a country in crisis.  African American families need their fathers and brothers.   Looking at the statistics, makes it seemed unattainable.  But after listening to Barack Obama’s acceptance speech, I believe he has given us new HOPE…..SOLUTIONS.  This is not television.  It’s real life.

After today, we should never feel limited by our environment or our circumstances.  We should never make excuses for what we have not done or feel sorry for ourselves.  As I listened to Barack speak, tears filled my eyes and the eyes of many attending the Democratic National Convention.  We did not shed tears of sadness but tears of joy and anticipation.  I am ready for this revolution.  As a child born in the middle of the Civil Rights Movement, I understand where we’ve been and the progress we’re making.  This is big….historical.  Some of us have been so overwhelmed and preoccupied with events that occurred during the last 8 years that we almost forgot that we had a voice.  It’s time to step up and speak up.

From this day forward, I pledge to do all that I can to heal our families and remember that it is not about me.  Parents take a moment and talk to your children about achieving their dreams, setting goals and the importance of education.  Encourage them to live each day to the fullest.  Let them know that as Americans they can BE anything that they choose to BE and no one has the right to tell them that they can’t. 

Furthermore, teach your children about the importance of community service, helping others and loving one another.  If everyone took the time to help just one person, we could create a better world…..a better world for our children and generations to come.  People Barack Obama is a great leader but he cannot achieve his dream, alone.   Are you ready to Pay it Forward?


Arlether Wilson, Author of “Rewriting the Script”



August 2008


PassionScape by Hazel Mills: Is Monogomy An Unrealistic Expectation?

September greetings,

You know, it seems that more often than not, we hear of relationships vanishing because one or both of the partners are seeking love and affection elsewhere. Nowadays, celebrity break-ups due to infidelity are the norm. We even take bets on how long the marriage will last from the moment we get wind of the news. Sadly, this does not only apply to celebs. The same is true for everyday joes. What happened to the sanctity of the once honorable institution of marriage?

PassionScape poses the question: Is monogomy an unrealistic expectation? All month long, you will hear from some of today’s most talented authors and poets on this issue.


It is my belief that no one who truly loves is expecting anything other than a monogamous relationship.
Anyone Who Loves

Anyone who truly loves, loves with their heart and soul
Loves totally, it never grows old.
Anyone who truly loves, knows from the very start
Of all the ups and downs
Of how love can be turned around
Of how true love is hard to be found
Anyone who truly loves, gives of themselves unselfishly.
Putting their wants and desires behind those they love
Praying to God above,
for patience and understanding
and support for that undying love.
Anyone who truly loves
learns not to break, just bend
Learns who they love are also friends and will remain to the end.
Anyone who truly loves
will hurt from time to time
Looking for the signs of total peace of mind
Anyone who truly loves
will look back on the past
realizing that true love will last

For to understand true love
Is a life long task.

Copyright 2000
Thoughts & Reflections
Author Nanette M. Buchanan
visit my site: www.myspace.com/ipendesigns



In this day and age, the question makes you wonder, it makes you ponder on if a man can stay true and not run astray from his woman, thinking that the grass is greener on the other side, and if a woman can stick by her man faithfully. I believe less people are getting married and more seemed to be getting a divorce or separation. We are in a different era of lifestyle, personality, control and obsession. There is a lot of temptation in the world. And in the twenty-first century where more and more of us our are gaining our individual independence, networking more, socializing more, running our own business and even working more, this adds to the stress and sometimes lessens our priority on maintaining and keeping up with a healthy relationship.
What ever happened to true love? What ever happened to black love? Is it unrealistic to think black love is slim to none and that staying monogamous is nil? Sometimes it really does make me wonder.
But back to the point – If a man and woman care about each other, I mean truly love and find passion in each other than I would say monogamy is realistic. But honestly, I’m going to tell you what I really think. I think monogamy is even more realistic if you put God and prayer in your life and in your relationship. Without God in a relationship it just leaves too much room for Satan to enter and cause disruption and confusion. So there has to be some type of spiritual connection and then yes, I believe monogamy is realistic.

Tinisha Nicole Johnson
Author, Writer and Poet

Enough- An Abusive Solution


Yes, 911, Warren Street the house number is ten.
The cops, an ambulance, and the crisis unit. Send someone for his girlfriend.
Oh, I’m sorry, what’s that you say?
Okay, I’ll hold on, where would I go anyway?

They’ve got me on hold, I’ll talk to you while I wait,
Uh, yes that’s right he just walked in, I know it’s late.
You see, it was a routine that he’s had for a while.
I was sick of his lying through his teeth, grinning, and wanting me to smile.

Uh, yes, Warren Street, where you frequently send a car
The last time they just walked in the front door was ajar.
The cops came in, he told them he was playing it all a bad joke
They saw the marks he left around my throat

Huh? I don’t know her name she came to my door
What the hell did she think, what did she take me for
I put up with his shit as long as I could,
I was trying keep house and raise these kids, she just said she misunderstood

Operator, did you call for the car, shit as usual they’ll come to the hood last
I put up with his complaining and whooping my ass
That night I almost lost consciousness, I wasn’t breathing all I could do was gasp.

Yes, yes I’m not hysterical this is the quiet after the storm
I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I know this kinda call ain’t your norm
Uh, yes I heard you say they would be right here
Can I just explain why, I had a new fear.

He told me his new bitch was young
He said with her he found new fun
My daughter, see she just turned eighteen,
Damn, I don’t even know how to explain this scene

Now, she’s seen me get beat, knocked to the floor
But he always said she was who he adored.
My daughter entered the room screaming for him to stop
He smiled, grabbed her and ripped off her top

He yelled he was sorry as she tried to cover her budding breast
Oh, the cops are here I’ll tell them the rest.
Yes, officer he’s over there.
When the gun went off he fell in the chair.

I pulled the trigger. I don’t know if he’s dead.
The round went off, there’s the hold over his head.
Officer’s since this call is based on abuse,
If he’s not dead, can you promise not to let him loose.

The officer turned just shaking his head,
“No Ma’am, that’s for the court, he’s been hit but he’s not dead.”
The bastard didn’t file charges, the court gave me probation.
And to think that night should have been my motivation.

Yes, operator I know I was on hold,
I just was wondering how much violence will break this mold
No, uh no ma’am I didn’t touch him this time
You see, I decided he wasn’t worth me losing my mind

Yes, I do need the cops, the ambulance send the crisis unit too.
This bitch, see she showed up and didn’t know what to do.
She claimed he beat her in the face last night, she says she was raped
He entered the room while she was confessing to everything from their first date.

He raised his hand to swing at her there was a blast and he fell in that same old chair
You see this time the bullet caught him in mid air.
She came to kill my husband, her lover, the man with the abusive hand
Did you send the car or do you need the address again?

I don’t know her name, who cares the violence has ceased
From what she’s told me we’ll both live in peace.
Please hurry just send the police,
Damn girl the address is ten Warren Street.


Author, Nanette M. Buchanan