Personally Yours – Author Nanette Buchanan

Personally Yours will give you a brief look inside your favorite authors world. We know they write smokin’ books, but do they smoke with the Surgeon General and if they do, what? Are they left-handed or right handed? Take a personal look inside Author Nanette Buchanan’s life. Enjoy Personally Yours!

1. Who is Nanette Buchanan? I am a Christian, a wife, mother, grandmother, Senior Corrections Officer, an author and child advocate. I currently reside in New Jersey. I am an Instructor at the New Jersey Department of Corrections Training Academy. As an author, I published my first novel in 2007 and today I now have three published fictional novels and an e-book of poetry. I am the hostess of ASA Blog (Authors Supporting Authors) Talk Radio and the co-host of Angel Wings Publication Blog Talk Radio. A show which advocates for Domestic Violence victims.

2. What are you passionate about? My writing has been an important part of my life. I began while attending Rutgers University in New Jersey, and never imagined that it would be more to me than simply putting a pen to pad. I pen because it has soothed me, been a force to vent, rejoice and assist in many aspects in my life. I pen for enjoyment and as an inspiration to others. I pen because I realize it is more than just a hobby and it consumes me even when I am not actively writing. I pen because I love it.

3. Why should the world take notice of you? I would love for the world to take notice of me, but I feel I would better serve the world or people through my words. Being an instructor, author and hostess on the Blog Radio shows has given me a route to make a change, express the need for positive solutions, and share new ideas and information.

4. In one year where will you be? LOL….still working full time. I have a few years left before retiring. I will be a Sergeant within the next year, however I will be looking to make the rank of Lieutenant before retiring. I also want my publishing company to be working diligently for myself and other authors who wish to publish their work through I Pen Books.

5.What are your life rules? Live each day fulfilling a dream. Being optimistic doesn’t mean ignoring what is negative….understand it is the negative that becomes obstacles and will delay progress. Be healthy mentally, physically and emotionally. You can’t progress when stressed, take the time to take care of yourself.

6. What is your $1 and a dream? Reaching a peaceful plateau. There is nothing more rewarding than peace of mind. It soothes the soul, enriches the spirit and controls the heart. For my dollar, I want peace of mind.

7. 5 Favs –
a. color -Green, meaning life and of course money

b. food -I love my husband’s cooking. Any food well prepared has my vote. I am a lover of most seafood dishes.

c. movie -Wow….there are so many. “Usual Suspects”….I love a good mystery…..and “The Color Purple” but my list is unlimited.

d. song -Wow…again I’m stumped “Zoom”- Lionel Richie and the Comodores…….”What You won’t do for Love” – Bobby Coburn “Crazy Love- LutherVandross……I could go on….

e. drink – Gingerale…..don’t really have a preferred mixed drink…..Wine maybe Zifandel

8. Do you forgive regardless of what someone has done to you? Not always easy to do…..I’m still working on that.

9. If you could change your past would you? Yes, there’s always something I reflect on that could have been done better, now that I know better. I would have started publishing my work earlier in my life. I definitely wouldn’t have let others influence me to hesitate or doubt some of the decisions wanted to make.

10. Random thought – If I could have done things differently what other obstacles would I have met? Our dreams eventually becomes a reality. You start building your world on your dreams.

11. Where can we find you on the net? I have a My Space and Face Book site, and various ning sites also and

12. Fill in the blank with one word – To know Nanette Buchanan is to understand Nanette Buchanan.

REVIEW – LuvMe – 05/18/10

LuvMe - Because Everybody Needs A Little Luv

“Luv Me.” by Wanda D. Hudson, sucked me in with her sensual opening piece entitled “Dear Diary” and set the momentum for the rest of this sexy read!
A collection of sensual short stories that you could read during your lunch break or after one of those “Calgon take me away baths”

Ms. Hudson provides the stage for her readers to live vicariously through her character’s lives and erotic fantasies.

A different tasty treat as you encounter each story as no two are alike. Ms Hudson dispensed humor along with lust and originality with each scenario.

You’re bound to find one that will be a favorite. ”DSL”, Room with a View” and “She” are the three that stood out for me.

Lust, entertainment and passion are what you’ll get between these pages…are you ready?

A recommended read.

Locksie Locks
May 18, 2010

ARC Book Club Inc.
Star Rating 5.0*****

Awwww, baby! Go ahead and get you a little luv; LuvMe – Because Everybody Needs A Little Luv $5

Awww, Baby, LuvMe Reader Reviews!

Great Book..Read it!!, March 12, 2010
By Shahara Roberts – See all my reviews

My boyfriend got this book for me from the author herself. I started reading the book in between classes and it was really hard to put it down. It leaves you salivating, fantasizing and experiencing the pain, love and confusion of the characters. I finished the book in less than two days and was ready to start on her first book titled “Waiting for Love’.
Furthermore, I have to say that this book was well put together and Wanda has all of my support.

Entertaining Read, January 27, 2010
By Tracey Mcfarlan “Diva Spice” (Hollis, NY) – See all my reviews

Luv Me is an entertaining collection of erotic short stories. It takes you to places you fantasize about going to and leaves you wanting more. It will fill you with sexual and sensual pleasure as well as comic relief. Each story gives a riveting encounter of love, lust and passion. It’s a good read whether you’re on the bus or train going to work or right before you go to bed. After reading Wanda’s first book, Wait For Love: A Black Girl’s Story, I was expecting something similar, but was pleasantly surprised when I realized how different the two books are. Well done, Wanda! You’ve done a marvelous job once again. Can’t wait for the next one.

Awww. baby, get your luv today!

LuvMe - Because Everybody Needs A Little Luv

Seven Tips for Black Women to Live a Happier Life by Tinisha Nicole Johnson

In this day and age when the world is changing, technology is advancing, and years have passed by in a blink of an eye, Black women may wonder about the future and how it will directly impact them. Today’s Black women are beginning to realize that change in the world, and they want a positive piece of it. From the test of time, many women are learning what it takes to be successful and get ahead.

Living in a world where you are constantly reminded that you are the minority of the minority, sooner or later you start to catch on and grab that piece of success. That success can involve anything from earning a living to raising a family. However, along the way you may begin to doubt yourself, you may even wonder about your self-worth, and at the end of the day, you want reassurance just to stay in the game.

Tip #1:
When your mind is stuck in the past, you are in fact a prisoner of your past, resisting the key to free yourself into a new direction for your future.

The past is gone. Sometimes you have to let it go. Black women love very hard. They feel as though they have to. It is their core source of strength. It is also a quality they fully accept from others. Whatever has happened in your life, you have to embrace the good and let go of the negativity, but always look ahead as optimistic as you can.

Tip #2:
Whatever your constant focus is on, is what will move you closer to happiness or deeper into dissatisfaction.

Focus on your strengths and refuse to accept being Black and a woman as a weakness. Train your mind to believe you are self-confident and capable, and soon your actions will follow pursuit.

Tip #3:
When you start to understand and believe the depth of your worth, then NO ONE can fool you into thinking what your worth is as a Black woman.

The media has a funny way of interjecting what is beauty and what is not; what is popular and what is thrown out. Don’t believe the hype! There are some who seem to have it all on the outside, but are hurting badly inside. Realize that your inner happiness means more than any outer material possession or physical trait. Love you, and the world has no choice but to acknowledge it and accept it.

Tip #4:
If something isn’t working then change your approach. Knowledge is everything. Along with knowledge and persistence, you will make better choices.

Believe it or not, you might be surprised that you don’t know yourself as well as you might think. Live life, get a life, experience something new, and be open to change in your life.

Tip #5:
Life just isn’t long enough to settle. The strength to change your situation is already inside you, you just have to realize and find it. Black women settle far more than they have to. They may want a change, but their actions tell a different story.

Realize you don’t have to settle. In some cases, it’s just demeaning to your self-worth. Recognize your strengths, work on improving your weaknesses, and always recognize the love that lives in the core of your soul.

Tip #6:
When you think others are holding you back, it’s your own way of thinking that’s holding many Black women back.

Many people resort to excuses – constant excuses. If you want something, go after it. Don’t allow insecurities or excuses to get in the way for too long, and stop your journey through life. More so, don’t for one second think you can’t accomplish your goals because of another human being.

Tip #7:
The quality of the relationship you have with yourself determines how many fears you have, and more importantly how you handle your fears.

You may have never thought of what type of relationship you have with yourself, but you should. You are going to be with yourself for the rest of your life. You might as well get to know yourself as much as you can. Always look for ways to enhance your growth – whether that growth is spiritual, emotional, relating to your career, family or health.

Tinisha Nicole Johnson is an author, writer, and poet. She resides in Denver, Colorado with her family. Besides writing, she also hosts political and sports teleconferences as a profession. Tinisha is a versatile author. To date she’s written a mystery novel, a romance ebook, co-wrote an inspirational anthology, and her poetry can be read in various books and online.

The above article is based off her upcoming book, Lessons Learned: Loving Yourself as a Black Woman published through Xpress Yourself Publishing.

To learn more and to sign up for my monthly newsletter, visit the author at her website:

John McCain vs Barack Obama – VOICE YOUR OPINION

What is the main difference between Barack Obama and John McCain? You decide. Will you be voting this year? 
Some wonder if Obama is capable of handling and finding solutions to the challenges that face the US. McCain thinks Obama is just a celebrity with too much status. But regarding McCain, some wonder if he is just going to be just another ‘Bush’.
Politics aside there’s not one person that doesn’t notice how high gas is. And how screwed up the economy seems. When are our troops going to come home? The PEOPLE want to know what Congress and the next president is going to do about this.
Okay, back to politics…
Besides being an author, I also host Town Hall political teleconferences. It’s quite interesting actually. Although I can’t get into the specifics, due to privacy, I have learned what’s on the minds of Congressman and Senator’s alike. I’ve also learned what citizens like you and me are thinking about. One issue on everyone’s mind is Energy, the cost of gas, the economy and whether or not we should drill for oil in the United States.
In my opinion, it seems like both the Democrats and Republicans are doing more finger pointing rather than trying to come to a bipartisan and resolve todays issues and find solutions.

The National Democratic Convention will be held in my city and state this year – Denver, Colorado. I plan on attending some of the downtown events to stay in the know, or maybe even get an idea or two for my next novel.

Bottom line, something needs to be done, before we’re all paying like $10.00 a gallon. I think I would have to sell my SUV, if it came to that.

CLICK HERE to join in on the discussion and voice your opinion about these issues. Share your thoughts. Random comments will be picked and placed in my next newsletter.

Tinisha Nicole Johnson
Author, Writer and Poet