Family Secrets Lies & Alibi’s

Family Secrets Lies & Alibi’s — Another 4 Stars!!!!

4.0 out of 5 stars Family Drama At Its Best!!, June 24, 2008
Review by- Author Tia Marie Boykins

DQ Mince may have passed on, but he has left quite a bit of disorder behind. Although he took great care to assure that his family would be provided for financially in the event of his untimely passing, he left them in the dark as to how to handle the results of his indiscretions while he was living. DQ’s oldest son Rell has been left as the executor of his estate, unbeknownst to Derek, who has been led to believe throughout his entire life that he was DQ’s ONLY son! The information is being kept confidential until the reading of the will, but that is not stopping everyone from trying to find out who’s getting what. Darryl, DQ’s gambling brother, needs Rell to help him re-establish money he lost in his company, but he doesn’t neccesarily want him to know that. Tonya, the deceitful wife, not only wants to know what DQ left her, but has been doing some detective work to try to find out what, if anything, was left to Rell’s mother, Nikki, the true love of DQ’s life. Nana, the matriarch of the family, is doing her best to hold it all together and keep everybody in check, but there’s only so much she can control. The secrets that DQ kept begin stirring up a storm that will soon reach the point of no return!

Nanette M. Buchanan has a page-turner on her hands for sure with this spicy, intriguing novel. She has found a way to connect with her readers using the most personal element possible- FAMILY! This book definitely takes family drama to the next level. I highly recommend this book for purchase, and I’m looking forward to the sequel. The excerpt looks great!

A Sketch of A Man

The Sketch of a Man

I watched you enter the room from a distance
you see you were a mere fantasy
Someone I envisioned only in my mind, never a reality.
From your shoulder length dreads to the soles of your feet
A sketch a silhouette, never really complete

I watched you enter the room from a distance
as a vision in a dimmed romantic light
Your aura brings erotic warmth
I close my eyes pleased to sketch with no sight
I await for your touch, your passionate embrace.
I use my hands tenderly outlining the features of your beautiful face.
Your skin, your pores, the rhythm as you breathe
My fingers touch your lips as you whisper, “Baby Please”

Your biceps, triceps, shoulders and chest,
The sketching of your sculptured body is my imagination at its best
I feel myself tremble in anticipation as your presence lays me on my back
I watch your moves as you join me
God’s creation, man, my man in fact.

Your hips rise slowly allowing your body to touch mine
The heat increases from the friction as we become entwined.
There is no sounds of discomfort though my vision is beginning to fade
I pull you closer wanting you, loving you, “I love when you love me this way”

Our pace is increasing as the sweat beads on my breast
My imagination is bringing on that climax, “Please make me say yes.”
My thighs are quivering, I want to take it slow
You’ve touched my g spot more than once,
I know I’m going to explode.

I close my eyes knowing we are both satisfied,
And though I watch you cross the floor I can still feel you inside.
The aura in the room is peaceful, as I doze off to sleep
You’ll always be that sketch of a man, never really complete
I hear the door closing behind you
A real man wouldn’t have to creep

Copyright 2008
Author, Nanette M Buchanan

Similarities For Convenience

Being an information junkie, I constantly search for interesting news stories both online and off. This morning I came across an article comparing and contrasting the first ladies of the presidential nominees. The article painted a rich picture of both Cindy McCain and Michelle Obama, for their style and grace. It attempted balanced reporting by mentioning Michele’s criticism of her husband and her country on the democratic side, while revealing Cindy’s battle with addiction and her reluctance toward full financial disclosure.
Despite being a Arizona resident, I began reading this article knowing very little background about Cindy. This fact could be due to the relentless campaign for the democratic nomination, or it could be the result of Cindy McCain’s aptitude for being the quiet doting wife of a presidential candidate. Certainly, having a wife who is heir to a wealthy beer distributorship would not bolster John McCain’s campaign, especially during our current economic times.
It wasn’t until I read the second half of the article that my writer fury erupted. The context was in reference to the infamous statement Michele Obama made about having pride in her country for the first time. The article reported Cindy’s rebuttal which suggested her staunch unwavering pride in her country.
Pride stems from actions and experience. If you’ve done nothing, then you have nothing to be proud of. If you have not created positive opportunities and experiences despite the obstacles then again you have nothing to be proud of.
Being part of the African American community and being female, I can understand why Michele may not have always been proud of her country. If I were a rich member of society’s majority, I might not ever recall a time I lacked pride for my country. However, any human being who has witnessed prejudice and oppression or even recognizes it as part of American history cannot truly proclaim ever-existing pride in the actions and experiences in which this country participates.

Is Cindy proud of the Iraq war and the lies that caused it?
Is Cindy proud of racially motivated brutality that still happens in America today?

It’s interesting how we can put race aside when it suits our argument. The article made sure to inform us that Cindy is a rich, blond, blue-eyed Rodeo queen who knows when to speak and when to keep quiet. I would have had more respect if Cindy could have sympathized with Michele’s comment since not everyone’s American experience is Cindy’s rich privileged experience. I don’t want a meek first lady who can’t recognize experiences different from her own.

Patriotism is more complicated than being proud or not being proud of your country. Pride is a barometer that adjusts with each act and experience. American patriotism exists in recognizing the flaws and taking action to make a difference, thus creating a country everyone can be proud of regardless of their past experiences.


Remembrance of June 19, 1865

We are just a few days away from marking the 143rdanniversary of Juneteenth, the day, which represents the true end to slavery. Many think that slavery ended with President Lincoln’s signing of the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1st, 1863, however, the slave’s way of life continued in many areas including Galveston, Texas until June 19th, 1865.


On this date, General Granger and his men rode into Galveston spreading, enforcing the word released from the executive branch of government that the Civil War was over, and the enslaved were free.


 At that moment knowledge was empowering as numerous former slaves left the plantation to embark on a new way of life. They became the latest territorial explorers. As they moved to states such as Louisiana and Arkansas, many continued to uphold June 19th, later affectionately referred to as Juneteenth, as a day of celebration. The cause for rejoicing was not limited to the end of slavery but also encompassed an appreciation for all cultures. Juneteenth honors where we have been and sheds light on where we were are going. It supports self-improvement through attaining education and building personal and moral character.


Akin to the nationally recognized Independence Day, Juneteenth represents the independence of African American people. The growth of these celebrations fell in step with several civil rights marches and although its popularity dwindled with the Great Depression, it resurrected with the civil rights movement of the 1960’s.


Honoring Juneteenth is becoming a grassroots movement with events crisscrossing the United States and abroad.


Due to the inadequate and, in many cases, the blatant lack of Black history Education, pride of Juneteenth is just touching the consciously of many inside and outside the African American community.


With this article and through the efforts of such sites as, the honor for this day will live through us for generations to come.







Is Oprah Starting Her Own Religion?

Oprah Winfrey has enjoyed temendous success. No doubt as a result of blessings and favor from God. But now, her success may be diminished. No doubt she will never in this lifetime be broke or fade away as a household name. Nevertheless, her new found religious beliefs are causing quite a stir. It’s all over the internet and other media outlets. Is Oprah starting her own religion? Is that even possible? Are people being too judgmental? Take a look at these two opposing views and you decide.


Discipline or Punishment

by: Cheryl Lacey Donovan

Our best example of parenting, God praises, advises nurtures, encourages, teaches, and trains us. Teaching our children to live a Christian life should be done by precepts and examples. Being both reliable and trustworthy are essential because our children depend on us to be there for them. Patience and compassion go hand in hand as they mirror the patience and mercy of God upon us His children.

Communicating our expectations to our children through destructive criticism, lack of quality time, and dysfunctional marriages and families, destroys the relationships between parents and their children. It is not so much what we say but how we say it. Emphasizing the right things in the right ways. means giving them wholesome instruction and admonishing them properly. Your children do not require material things, they require time. Your children should always know that you love them.

“Sticks and Stones may break your bones but words will never hurt me” doesn’t apply to parenting. Using words that deflate your child’s self worth will have a lasting effect on their lives. Telling your children they will never amount to anything will only become a self fulfilling prophecy. You have the power of life and death in your own tongue. Speak peace, love, joy, and happiness into their lives. If, you always say that your children are bad, then what do you expect them to be. Remind your children about what God says about them. Help them to see themselves through God’s eyes.

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it Proverbs 22:6

This is the Bibles commission to parents. But what does training really mean? Leading your children by faith to Christ and being a consistent example to them is the first step in training. Difficult but effective, leading by example communicates our commitment to live out the truth and reality of Jesus in our lives. Defined more by what we don’t do than what we do as mothers, we must be diligent in our prayer life, in our church going, and in the way we interact with people on a daily basis. Knowing Christian doctrine, using Christian vernacular, and appearing Godly may fool outsiders, but it won’t fool your children and it won’t fool God. Seeing you as you really are, children are in the best position to be students of your life. Having the most insight into the relationship between what you say and what you do children become the best at deciphering hypocrisy from true Christian discipleship. Gossiping, lying to the bill collector, and constantly bashing our children’s father are all poor examples of our faith walk with God. In fact, the very message that these attributes send is one of hypocrisy.

Picking and choosing our sins, I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, I don’t cuss, is more about us than it is about being Christ like. Memorizing scripture is good but a personal relationship with God is the ultimate goal. Morality is not the only gauge by which we are measured. The cemetery is full of people that didn’t do bad things. The question is, was their walk with God close enough to enter the kingdom of heaven. We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

We can’t make Christ a reality to our children if He is not a reality to us. Practice what you want them to practice. Children follow and imitate us. “Do as I say not as I do” is a poor motto to follow if you want to raise Godly children. Remember to teach them by example; your example. Learning not brought about by both example and instruction will lead to a child that does not respect the parents. Living out the Christian life through the Holy Spirit will be instruction to your children that Christ is real. Are you creating a desire for God in your children?

Understanding the difference between discipline and punishment is important as well. Punishments are given as a penalty for an offense. It is usually handed out in hostility and frustration and produces fear and guilt. The child senses this and the outcome is compromised. What the child learns instead is that we should solve problems with physical punishment and degrade the object of our anger in the process. The child’s self image is diminished.

Discipline on the other hand is used to train and to correct. Discipline must be fair. It needs to be explained to and understood by the child if it is to be effective. Discipline must also be prompt, delivered as soon after the offense as possible. Finally, discipline must be terminal; no continued reminders, assured reacceptance. In an environment of discipline the child will learn life’s requirements in the context of love and concern. At this point training can take place. This approach has as its goal the development of responsible behavior. It communicates caring to the child. In an environment of true discipline, the child understands the importance of these requirements for their future, for God, and for society.

When training is done effectively and consistently, the rod of correction is seldom necessary. Take the time to train your children in the way they should go.

Award Winning Author Cheryl Lacey Donovan to appear on Great Day Houston

Author Cheryl Lacey Dononan

Sandra Thomas
A Virtuous Woman-31
11601 Shadow Creek Pkwy
Pearland, Texas 77584
(832) 615-1197 ext. 702


June 15, 2008 Coming from a legacy of preachers, Cheryl Lacey Donovan is walking in her destiny. An anointed woman of God, her mission is to challenge you to look inside yourself for change, to identify the strongholds in your life, and to tear them down with the help of the creator. Once you have crossed her path, your life will never be the same. Cheryl hit the scene with full force when she penned her award winning book Women What the Hell are You Thinking. Cheryl shows no signs of slowing down as she travels the country speaking to women about issues that resonate within their souls.

Cheryl’s internet radio show Worth More Than Rubies reaches thousands of women each week with educational, inspiring, and thought provoking programming that gives women a platform to discuss their issues and design a plan for change. The show will soon go into production as a 30 minute cable TV talk show.


On June 26, 2008, at 9:00am CST, Cheryl will appear on Great Day Houston with Debra Duncan to discuss issues related to child rearing practices. “Titus 2 admonishes older women to teach younger women how to love their children.” Cheryl has taken up the mantle to do just that. Her articles, “Are African American Child Rearing Practices a Direct Result of Slavery” and “Discipline vs. Punishment”, give amazing insight into the art of balancing discipline and training. Her upcoming release “The Ministry of Motherhood” delivers a bold message about responsibility and accountability by explaining the keys to the ministry involved with being a mother. Use these keys to unlock the secret and discover the real truth. It is through the gift of the written word that Cheryl ignites flames, delivering a powerful message of hope and inspiration, through faith and family, you will be inspired to change, forced to make a difference and will realize the importance of motherhood, through and through.



About The Author

Cheryl Donovan is an acclaimed author, inspirational speaker, and compelling advocate for personal empowerment. Her book Women What the Hell are You Thinking remained in the top 10 of Amazons Hot New Releases during its first two months of publication.

Cheryl believes in Psalms 11:25 which says, She who refreshes others will herself be refreshed; therefore, she tries to be transparent as she speaks and writes about her valley to mountain experiences

Cheryl has been recognized nationally for her work. She has been the featured author on radio talk shows such as Artist First, Power Talk FM, An Hour to Empower with Mo and Mickey, and Urban Echoes Voices and Vibes. Her interviews have also appeared in Empowering African American Women Magazine, AA Kulture Zone, The Book Suite, and Women’s Self Esteem. She was awarded the 2007 Literary Power Award and was nominated in several categories for the Infini Awards. Cheryl will be featured for the inaugural season of What Shall We Read, a literary program which airs on CAN-TV in Chicago. She will also be inducted into the 2008 Who’s Who in Black Houston.

Book Trailers – Column: Motivation Extends My Soul

Book Trailers seem to be the in thing nowadays. Some good, some bad. A good book trailer will pull a reader in and leave them wanting more and hopefully purchasing your book. Even for those non-readers, a book trailer is another promotional tool to leave a positive planted impression in someone’s mind.

Check out book trailers for ASA authors (Authors Supporting Authors).

ASA Logo

A Procession of One

The word bitch should be used solely in conjunction with the word grief. I promise you, if I ever hear another man call a woman a bitch, I don’t care who he is, I’m going to hurt him. If I ever hear another woman call a man a bitch, I’ll release a few choice words that will touch her core, but she’ll be able to continue. Neither a man nor a woman can make you feel as sickening as grief can. I don’t care what they do to you – cheat, lie, steal or slam you to the ground and run. Grief is the only bitch I know.

Grief intruded into my life June 4th 2008 at 4:20pm. That’s when I received a call from my father’s wife informing me that my daddy, Bobby James Hudson, was gone. She said it as calmly as she could. “Niecy, we lost Bobby today.” That’s when my procession of one began.

I proceeded to cry. I proceeded to yield to the shit feeling that was ravaging my body, because I couldn’t fight back. I proceeded to collapse and let myself be gutted by grief. Grief cuts your insides and churns them at the same time, runs them over, burns them, and leaves them there expecting you to function as if oh well should be the next words you say.

The first steps of my procession were to see my daddy lying in his coffin. Simply visiting my daddy became viewing his body. I was at a wake that would never allow for sleep. This wake wanted tears and I obliged…boy did I oblige.

My procession kept going strong with then next day being more forceful than the first. The funeral told me to say goodbye. I only did so after God told me to hold onto His hand. He said that I will see my daddy later.

Next, the cemetery. Grief began to slither around my throat. It’s hold grew tighter and tighter but I still saw the coffin which held my daddy – even with my shades on and my eyes closed.

I know we all go through this but it doesn’t diminish the fact that my daddy broke my heart. I know he didn’t mean to. I know he loved his babygirl. When I was younger my father told me that he wouldn’t always be here. His words – “Babygirl, ya daddy ain’t always gone be here.” My words – “Well, where are you going to be?” Together we’d laugh. Lawd, I miss my daddy.

A father’s love for his daughter is priceless. Fellas, you all can step up your game and you still won’t measure up. My daddy made me feel SO special. His encouraging words to keep on babygirl, stick with it, success doesn’t come overnight. Man, this hurts.

I wanted my father to see me make it. To him, I already did. He saw something different in me. He saw that I stepped out on faith and did what my passion told me to. I know that he was proud of me.

Bobby James Hudson was the first black man to work at the TAM Plant in Niagara Falls NY. 1968 didn’t have a civil rights march for him – he was just being a provider for his family. Tuskegee Institute and Niagara Community College taught my daddy a few things. He took that knowledge and eventually opened his own store, Hudson Tile and Carpet in Ocala Florida. But that was after he showed others how it should be done at the Color Tile store in Niagara Falls NY.

My daddy and his ideas! I smile just thinking about them. Shaklee, Amway, Omaha Steaks and BARD (Bobby, Alice, Ronny, Denise) Security. His favorite food – fried chicken. Once my daddy told me that he could eat fried chicken every day! Why? “‘Cause I was raised on it babygirl.” Oh… I miss my daddy.

He taught my brother to keep a handkerchief in his pocket. My brother now has taught that to his sons. Something so simple. but something to be proud of still. He taught me to be me, and ain’t nuthin’ wrong with that 🙂

Golf, golf, golf. Why did I say that golf was a dumb game…that all you do is walk around hitting a ball. Lawd, did I get a LECTURE on golf! I was a teenager. I’m 42 now and I have NEVER said a bad word about the game of golf since!

I’ll hurt, I’ll cry and still talk too much about my daddy. My procession will continue with me working it out and being the woman that Bobby James Hudson knew I could be.

I love you daddy.

Listen to Wanda's Way on internet talk radio

Wanda D. Hudson
Wait for Love: A Black Girl’s Story

Rejection Applies To Only One Opportunity

Mamie \"Peanut\" JohnsonOften rejection seems to be the final answer. In reality, it is just a temporary response. Such was the case in the baseball career of Mamie “Peanut” Johnson. Born in the mid-1930’s South, Johnson developed a love for baseball that prejudice could not extinguish.

At the age of 17, Mamie confronted the obstacles to playing the sport she loved at a time when professional and minor league sports practiced segregation. Since the White Female Baseball League declined Johnson the chance to try out and no Black female equivalent existed, Mamie found her place in the men’s Negro Baseball League. This being the first time Johnson experienced racial ignorance directly, she fondly looks back on its outcome instead of dwelling on the experience itself. She was quoted in an article honoring her contribution to baseball and South Carolina’s Black history, ” If I had played with white girls, I would have been just another player, but now I am somebody who has done something that no other woman has done.”

Johnson’s career lasted from 1953 to 1955, as one of three women who played in the Negro League. She won 33 games and only lost eight. “Peanut” became her nickname when an opponent doubted her pitching abilities because she “…was no bigger than a peanut”. She swiftly struck him out. While her playtime took place shortly after Jackie Robinson broke Major League Baseball’s color barrier, Peanut’s career quickly evaporated as females regardless of race were not included in major league play.

Mamie went on to earn a nursing degree from NYU and embarked on a 30-year career of helping others at their weakest. Although her baseball career may have ended after only three short years, Peanut Johnson maintained her link to America’s favorite pastime by managing the Negro Baseball League Memorabilia Shop in Prince George’s County, Maryland.

Even though Peanut played ball in an era that did not appreciate her talent on a large scale due to her race and her gender, on June 5th, 2008, Mamie “Peanut” Johnson joined 29 surviving members of the Negro Baseball League in Orlando, Florida where several Major League Baseball teams drafted the former players in an honorary pre-draft ceremony.

Thanks to Dave Winfield and others who respect and appreciate the Negro League’s contribution, rejection was temporary and acceptance is eternal.


2008 Prom Pictures-Are You Laughing or Crying

Here’s my opinion. We (parents and the adult society) accepted the rules of those who didn’t have or never had children years ago. Today we are reaping what we’ve sown. I by all means do not agree that we all fit into this category but enough of us do. Bear with my thought. There was a time when schools held account to everything that went on with our children in school including attendance and discipline. Yes, there were cases of abuse reported and for that we allowed the court system to make the rules that governed not only discipline in the schools but in the home, the church and just about everywhere. Children are literally hands off. Today due to years of this type ruling there are no rules for them to abide to. They say anything, wear anything, and do anything to everyone. The parents can’t control them in the homes, they don’t control them in the school and we don’t let them and church is a fairy tale in the homes where there is more fear of the system then fear of losing the child.<br style=”display:none”/><br />
You might ask yourself what am I saying. When we as parents neglect to monitor our children in the home we assist in the failure of their growth and productivity. This is what these prom pictures present. What parent monitored them in the home? I knew what my daughter’s gown was going to look like. I paid for it so of course I knew what was being made. When we as parents don’t monitor them in the schools we assist in the failure of their growth and productivity. When we go to the school and threaten to beat, cuss, and abuse the very people that are hired to educate and monitor our children. Threaten them with violence. The same violence our children display. Why would we expect them to stop them from wearing the gowns or outfits we let them leave from home in. We want everyone else to be responsible for the children we are the parents of. As a teacher why should they look out for our children when we neglect to look out for them. Yes they look like they’re going to a pimp’s ball. What do they look up to in the video’s? What are the women wearing, how are the men treating them, and what do they see in the movies, the streets and in some of their homes.<br style=”display:none”/><br />

You reap what you sow!!!! What’s your comment?

Nanette M. Buchanan
Author, Family Secrets….Lies & Alibi’s

Celebrate Beautiful Black Men: PassionScape by Hazel Mills

Wondering why I’m a little late posting for June? Okay, I’ll tell you. With all that is going on in the world of politics, I have been on edge because whatever the outcome, groundbreaking history was inevitable with the possibility of either a woman or a African American man as the Democratic Nominee for the 2008 Presidential Election.


After what was a sometimes heated race, Senator Barack Obama triumphed as the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party. On Tuesday night, I shed a tear as I reflected on the wealth of pride our ancestors must feel as they enjoy the view from heaven. I wondered what Harriett Tudman or Malcolm X would say if they were asked to share their thoughts on this great milestone. When I learned that Senator Obama is slated to accept the nomination for President of the United States on August 28, forty-five years to the day after our most notable Civil Rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and delivered what is perhaps the most famous speech in American History, I couldn’t have been more proud.

PassionScape is usually dedicated to romance and erotica but it is also about the passions that fuel our everyday lives. During the month of June, we will celebrate Father’s Day. In light of the enormity of recent events, I will spend the month celebrating all Black men. Not only will I uplift and celebrate my own husband, father and sons but I will also contemplate the entrepreneurial spirit of the brother hustling on the corner, trying to make ends meet for his family or the young man imprisoned and discarded by society for a crime he may or may not have committed.

Will you join me? How will you celebrate Black men this month? Who will you pay tribute to?

I want to hear from you. Feel free to share your thoughts and comments on the coming election and on our beautiful Black men.


Hazel Mills, author

Bare Necessities: Sensuous Tales of Passion









My Latest Review-Family Secrets Lies & Alibi’s-Oosa Book Club

Review from OOOSA Books

Family…Secrets, Lies & Alibis
Category: Writing and Poetry

5.0 out of 5 stars The Family Drama

DQ Mince is a sophisticated and prosperous man. What woman wouldn’t want that? However, DQ is married to Tonya. Even so, he doesn’t let that hinder his relationship with Nikki. Both women have learned to accept the infidelity and their relationships eventually progress over time, producing children: Rell, Dershai, and Derek. The children grow up never knowing about one another, until…death strikes.

DQ’s death leaves his son Rell executor of his estate. Little does Rell know of all the secrets, lies, and alibis that were created by his father. Grandmother Nana is the only one that really knows the truth. Will Nana’s news be too unbearable for the family? Will it destroy what is left of the family?

“Family…Secrets, Lies & Alibis” is the best drama I’ve read in 2008! Nanette M. Buchanan really did a good job – enjoyed every page! It’s a page-turner! This novel reminds me of the drama within my own family, and I’m sure others will relate as well. If you like drama, you’ll love this book! I’m looking forward to reading more books in the future from Nanette M. Buchanan.

Reviewed by: Tekisha

Bringing It Close To Home

Trenton Book Fair

Friday June 6th and Saturday June 7th
The streets will be lined with authors, poets, book dealers and
private presses. In addition, both days will be filled with events.

Friday June 6th

Reception Honoring Women Writers

4:30 to 6:30 Oh My Heavenly Hair, 11 North Willow

Have wine and cheese, courtesy Oh My Heavenly Hair, and mingle with
women writers, including Nanette Buchanan, Theresa Bowman Downing,
Ellen Foos, Betty Kerr Orlemann, Mary Shaffer, Charisa Smith, Shaun
Stephenson and
Denise Turney Free event.

Book Sidewalk Sales 5:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m.

Warren Street, from Front Street to Lafayette St.

The streets will be lined with authors and other booksellers.

Poetry Reading: Komunyakaa, Long and Micheleux

6:30 to 8:00 Gallery 125, 125 South Warren

Hear poetry from Pulitzer Prize winning poet Yusef Komunyakaa, Dante
Michelieux from Cave Cannem and Doc Long, author of Timbuktu Blues and
Rules for Cool. Free event.

Poetry Jam

8:00 to 10:00 Gallery 125, 125 South Warren

J. Simone of the 449 Room Poetry Jams will host. Please bring your
best groove and win cash and prizes. Jam royalty, Narubi Selah, an HBO
Def Poet, will be in attendance. Free event.

Saturday June 7th

Heritage Days

11:00 to 9:00 pm

State Complex, State Street

Trenton’s annual celebration of our cultures features music, food,
crafts and kids events. Free event.

Come and Join me……I will be signing books both days……For full
event information visit and read my blog.
The sequel “A Different Kind of Love” is Coming Soon!!!



We Knew Diddley

Bo Didley Courtesy of Assoc Press

“While you are young, you better have your fun. Because when you get old your fun is done. Let the kids dance. Let the kids dance.” Lyrics of a rock and roll legend who showed his generation that the fun could keep on coming. Born in McComb, Mississippi on December 30th, 1928, Bo Diddley, aka Otha Ellas Bates and Ellas McDaniel died June 2nd, 2008 of heart failure at the age of 79 in Florida where he lived. 


His career started when Diddley, with his mother’s cousin as his guardian, moved to Chicago at the age of seven. Like most black entertainers, Diddley first developed his talent for music in the church. Boxing and music kept him focused when not in school, where classmates christened him “Bo Diddley“. Known for marrying the sound of the bluesy South with the gritty streets of Chicago, Diddley became a rock and roll icon, known for his guitar and vocal sounds. His square home-made guitar became legendary in its own right, spawning many imitators.


Perfecting his craft in an era where artists were paid a flat fee for their contributions, Diddley continued to create and perform well into his 70’s. His music not only influenced the American generation through Buddy Holly and Bruce Springsteen that followed, he also amassed a following in the U.K. impacting such bands as the Rolling Stones, U2, the Clash and many others. While continuing to tour, Bo made guest appearances in movies like Blues Brothers 2000 and Trading Places with Eddie Murphy. Diddley made his mark on a newer generation with the well known “Bo Knows” sneaker commercials he starred in with athlete Bo Jackson.


In many of the video clips of past performances being posted online in homage to a musical talent who planned with his soul, there is a glimpse of what music was meant to do. Teenagers both white and black dancing uninhibited appreciating the source with little regard to the color of the outlet. Regardless of its origin, good music is good music.


Otha Ellas “Bo Diddley” McDaniel, is a fine representation of the lack of segregation in music. Often as a society we try to categorize art by its creator. The likes of Bo Diddley and many others like him show the impact of art and its inability to be bound by color lines. In that light, we all knew Bo Diddley.

