Self Published? Are You Really An Author?


Self Published? Are You Really An Author?
by Nanette Buchanan
Questions posed by Black Pearls Magazine:
As a self-published author, do you get the same respect as authors produced by traditional publishing houses? Are you really an author in the eyes of your peers?

I really found this conversation quite interesting. Being a self published author and consistently looking for opportunities which include, literary agents, publicist and other avenues, I’ve found that each path has it’s ups and downs. It depends on what you’re willing to pay for, have the patience for or have had an experience with. I decided to self publish, not to duck the traditional guidelines but after being scammed by a few of the “so-called” people of the industry, I decided if I should lose another dime it will be because I tossed it in the well not someone else.

As far as the editing, marketing, advertising and sales I agree we all need the win win path. Most of us will complain about what others have or have not done but there are only a few willing to share the concepts without a cost.

Again, the competitive edge…….so why complain if you have the perfect novel, the desired genre, the distribution and your sales? Why worry about the self published author that lacks the knowledge, courage or intelligence to know that with research they could have a best seller? If they are making phenomenal sales, it’s because they have captured what we often forget, an audience.

I don’t have time to worry about your method as a writer…..I wish you success. I wish you the best in what you do. I wish you all the blessings and hope to read your methods, your path and learn from your experience as I grow as a self published author. Some traditional authors use this term “self published author” as though it was a virus that was rapidly spreading. A disease that should have been quarantined and forbidden to resurface. There are so many readers, so many genre’s, so many paths to promote and sale that we should be encouraging each other.

We all agree that this is not a get rich venture, only those who take it serious (proper editing, promotions, marketing) will succeed. The readers may read the “new” novel but will they follow that lazy author. I seriously doubt it. There are many best selling authors that started as “self published” authors. There are many markets that have those who create their own method and audience and still do well. So does the “self published” author. Those in the industry who have those query letters that have not been answered, the dreaded pain of trying to meet the deadlines, the arguments to save their creativity while working with the editor, and yes finally being signed, do deserve kudos.

But, honestly, just because they do doesn’t mean that the “self published” author doesn’t deserve to share the world of readers who really don’t care…….as long as the story is well written and holds them captive.

Self Published? Are You Really an Author? Yes, I am definitely a successfully, published Author!

Thank God the decision to publish is not left to those who decided they would NEVER self-publish……..the success is not how it’s published but rather or not it’s purchased. Self published books do sell…..ask Stephen King or Tyler Perry.


About the Author
Nanette M. Buchanan was born, raised and educated in Newark, New Jersey. After graduating from Arts High School in Newark she attended Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. It was then that she first set her pen to pad, written expressions of her love for poetry. She is a proud mother, wife and grandmother, now residing in Somerset, New Jersey.

Her pad to pen accomplishments include three volumes of poetry; Thoughts, Thoughts & Reflections, and Quiet Times; five children stories and seven novels. Nanette’s first published work and debut novel was “Family Secrets….Lies & Alibis”.

Since then the publication of the sequel, “A Different Kind of Love” and the release of her first volume of poetry, “Thoughts” an e-book hit the market. In October of 2009, Nanette’s murder mystery, “Bruised Love” was released. It is her goal to become a successful author without limits. The author is available for personal appearances, chats and signings.
• Bruised Love
• Family Secrets, Lies & Alibis
• A Different Kind of Love
• Website:
• View the Video Postcard:

Books by Author Nanette M. Buchanan

Books are available wherever books are sold and online:

Contact Information

October is an important Awareness Month

The month October touches on two very important issues. October is Domestic Violence Awareness and also National Breast Cancer Awareness. Domestic Violence is represented by the purple ribbon and Breast Cancer is represented by the pink ribbon. Are you or someone you loved affected by either?


Breast Cancer

2.3 million women in the United States are living with a breast cancer diagnosis. It’s a scary thing. Anyone regardless of age or race can be affected. It’s important to have regular annual checkouts and more if you have a relative or family member who’s been affected by breast Cancer. Early detective is so important.


Reach out to your family and friends for support and get the facts. Surround yourself by people who love you and reach out to cancer survivors.  


National Breast Cancer Awareness Month


American Cancer Society
Resource Link: 


Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence shouldn’t happen to anyone. Don’t settle and never feel you are not worthy of a violence-free environment. Domestic violence goes undetected behind closed doors way too often. Usually the woman or man is embarrassed that it is taken place, they are scared, and they believe or at least hope everything will get better. 


Around the world, at least one in every three women has been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused during her lifetime.”

Nearly one-third of American women (31 percent) report being physically or sexually abused by a husband or boyfriend at some point in their lives.”


Both statistics were taken from


Know that you have options and there are support groups. Don’t allow yourself and your children to continue to live in an unsafe environment. You are worthy of a better life – we all are.



Domestic Violence


The National Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-799-7233 (Call within any 50 states. Help is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year)


Article written by Author, Writer and Poet.
Tinisha Nicole Johnson
Visit the author at her site to learn more:

Writing for the World to Read – Forever!

Sinful revelations only a loving God can make right!

My Son's Wife -Sinful revelations only a loving God can make right!

The world of writing is opening doors that have never been opened.  I am one who has been blessed to walk through the literary door and claim my place on the podium alongside literary giants.  I see myself as a giant in a huge world where there are tens of thousands of people who wear the label ‘author.’  Yet, it is not a competitive spirit that I have when I hear this or read the statistics about new writers releasing books every day.  Instead, I know that no one can write quite like me.  Just as the word of God says, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”  I am a unique creation and there is no one in all the rest of humanity that is like me.  Therefore, the words that God gives me to place from pen to paper are unique.  My story can only be written by me.  Knowing that I am one of a kind and uniquely created gives me a sebse of greatness and gratefulness. I am humble yet I boldly step forward with the best of the best and claim my space. A space in time that only God can give, and only God himself can ever take away. I am thankful by the very fact that God chose me to write and tell stories that pour out from Him, through my spirit and then the finished product is printed for all the world to read!  I sit among the best of the literary divas.  I fulfill a purpose that no one else can fulfill. I stand toe to toe with Morrison, Angelou, Sheldon and Cooper, MacMillan and Harris. I believe that there is a calling on my life to write, to speak, to share, to reach, to tell and to spread the words in the form of books.  A book never dies.  Though our human body decays, books, like our souls, live on. Somewhere, long after I have shed this earthly shell, my words will resonate in someone’s life. And even now, today, and on into our tomorrow, while I still wear this human shell, someone, somewhere will be moved, touched and enticed to read my books. I know it in my spirit. I have the calm assurance from the one and only one I believe is sovereign. Though bookstores and publishers say the shelf life of a new book is basically 3 months before it fades out and new  books take its place, I thank God that I have read books that are hundreds of years old.  One day, I believe that someone, somewhere will pick up one or more of my novels.  They will read stories perfectly written and executed about imperfect people like me and you, and you, and you.  They will find hope, acceptance, joy, peace.  They will find that God truly is love and that crooked paths can be made straight again.  One day, I believe that someone, somewhere will pick up a book by Shelia E. Lipsey and the answers to problems and situations in life will be answered.  One day the world will see and read.  New dimensions and being reached in the world of reading.  A new path is being paved.  A new road is being laid.  And I am totally grateful to God for choosing me as one of his servants to carry out His purpose.

Inspiration plus Mystery

What would you do if after your loved one died, you found out they were living a double life? A life that could possibly get you killed. That’s what happened to Rahkel Williams, in the mystery novel, Searchable Whereabouts by Tinisha Nicole Johnson.

Rahkel’s beloved uncle who she treated as a father was mysteriously killed. However, afterwards she began finding clues into his life that had her thinking he wasn’t the man she thought he was. In fact, he may have been hiding a horrible family secret that affected three generations of her family.

After hiring private investigator Darrin Miller, Rahkel begins her search to find the truth aside from the police. Soon she will find she’s in over her head and it becomes evident somebody does not want her to know the truth, and they may even kill her in order to stop her from finding the truth. 


Searchable Whereabouts by Tinisha Nicole Johnson is available at, Barnes & Noble and at bookstores everywhere. Visit the author:



Have you ever been in a situation where you were on bended knees because of a situation you were in? Have you ever felt alone in this world and thought no one could understand or cared about your circumstances?


Well there is always hope through prayer. In Somebody Prayed For Me by literary sisters, Allyson M. Deese, Linda R. Herman and Tinisha Nicole Johnson you will witness awe inspiring stories, poems and letters that may hit home and cause your emotions to filter. The power of prayer is just that: POWERFUL!


Somebody Prayed For Me is an inspirational book for any age and is the perfect gift for any occasion. Visit to learn more. Pre-order your copy at and receive a free DVD of the book trailer and personalized signed book marks.


What’s The News?

As Mary J. Blige would say, “What’s the 411, Hon?” Well, I am getting it done. This summer has gone so fast and I’ve had my hand in so many pots lately, it is surprising when I look back on it.


After a spring of fun writers conferences and book promotions on the Internet, I decided to pursue writing for real. I was tired of carving out little bits of time here and there to satisfy my literary desires. I came back from Romance Slam Jam in Chicago and decided on the life I was working toward. A life of sharpening my literary craft, mingling with other literary addicts and starting an ongoing dialogue about all things multicultural is what it’s about for me.


In this vein, I have begun work on my second book, Early Withdrawal and launched a multicultural blog. Thanks to my experience writing with Literary Divas, I rediscovered my passion of writing about women and culture. I will continue to write the articles I love, which involves the impact current events have on the African American community and African American women in particular. However, my blog, Sable Lit will allow me to broaden the focus to all cultures and all people of color. In addition to articles, which will be crossed posted on my blog and Literary Divas, I will also post multicultural events and allow visitors to post multicultural events. Lastly, I will provide multicultural book reviews.


Starting September 1st, these reviews will be open to all genres that possess a multicultural theme and/or a cast of multicultural characters. The book, whether in print or electronic format, can be a current release or past release. Yes, nonfiction, LGBT and Erotic themes will have a home here as well. Sable Lit Reviews wants to put a flood light on it all. Authors and publishers, if you’d like to have your book reviewed and showcased on Sable Lit Reviews, visit the site for more information. Literary addicts, please watch it all unfold at


My second book, while not a sequel to Mismatched, has very similar interracial themes but with a twist.


Early Withdrawal tells the story of Sonia Squires, an African American marketing executive who is 18 months shy of her 35th birthday, the age by which she hopes to start a family. After a routine wellness exam and an equally habitual argument with her long-time boyfriend, Sonia realizes that having a baby is more important to her and may be more realistic than having the marriage and the white picket fence.

Leaving her boyfriend behind and against her family’s advice, she enlists the resources of a local sperm bank to reach her goal.

Newly pregnant, Sonia’s curiosity regarding the paternal benefactor intensifies. When she breaks every privacy act to find him, she discovers he is Caucasian, a detail not accurately reported in the donor profile.

Jacob Rhodes is a 35-year-old language analyst, working for the National Security Agency.  He is battling with a loss of faith in his abilities after superiors ignored his Iraqi intelligence report, which resulted in a U.S. terrorist attack several years ago. 

A man of many secrets, Jacob allows a sperm bank to use contributions to make families whole again. Will one contribution to his Ex and her new husband who also happens to be his best friend, unleash all of his secrets?

Sonia’s on a mission to find her donor. Can she still obtain the love and the family she has always wanted regardless of their differing heritage?

When Sonia’s ex resurfaces and the target of her search falls from site, what choices will Sonia make?

Find out in Early Withdrawal, where fighting your obstacles and claiming the right to your dreams will lead you to a path of the unexpected!


Join me on this adventure here at Literary Divas and at the Sable Lit Reviews!


Award Winning Author Cheryl Lacey Donovan to appear on Great Day Houston

Author Cheryl Lacey Dononan

Sandra Thomas
A Virtuous Woman-31
11601 Shadow Creek Pkwy
Pearland, Texas 77584
(832) 615-1197 ext. 702


June 15, 2008 Coming from a legacy of preachers, Cheryl Lacey Donovan is walking in her destiny. An anointed woman of God, her mission is to challenge you to look inside yourself for change, to identify the strongholds in your life, and to tear them down with the help of the creator. Once you have crossed her path, your life will never be the same. Cheryl hit the scene with full force when she penned her award winning book Women What the Hell are You Thinking. Cheryl shows no signs of slowing down as she travels the country speaking to women about issues that resonate within their souls.

Cheryl’s internet radio show Worth More Than Rubies reaches thousands of women each week with educational, inspiring, and thought provoking programming that gives women a platform to discuss their issues and design a plan for change. The show will soon go into production as a 30 minute cable TV talk show.


On June 26, 2008, at 9:00am CST, Cheryl will appear on Great Day Houston with Debra Duncan to discuss issues related to child rearing practices. “Titus 2 admonishes older women to teach younger women how to love their children.” Cheryl has taken up the mantle to do just that. Her articles, “Are African American Child Rearing Practices a Direct Result of Slavery” and “Discipline vs. Punishment”, give amazing insight into the art of balancing discipline and training. Her upcoming release “The Ministry of Motherhood” delivers a bold message about responsibility and accountability by explaining the keys to the ministry involved with being a mother. Use these keys to unlock the secret and discover the real truth. It is through the gift of the written word that Cheryl ignites flames, delivering a powerful message of hope and inspiration, through faith and family, you will be inspired to change, forced to make a difference and will realize the importance of motherhood, through and through.



About The Author

Cheryl Donovan is an acclaimed author, inspirational speaker, and compelling advocate for personal empowerment. Her book Women What the Hell are You Thinking remained in the top 10 of Amazons Hot New Releases during its first two months of publication.

Cheryl believes in Psalms 11:25 which says, She who refreshes others will herself be refreshed; therefore, she tries to be transparent as she speaks and writes about her valley to mountain experiences

Cheryl has been recognized nationally for her work. She has been the featured author on radio talk shows such as Artist First, Power Talk FM, An Hour to Empower with Mo and Mickey, and Urban Echoes Voices and Vibes. Her interviews have also appeared in Empowering African American Women Magazine, AA Kulture Zone, The Book Suite, and Women’s Self Esteem. She was awarded the 2007 Literary Power Award and was nominated in several categories for the Infini Awards. Cheryl will be featured for the inaugural season of What Shall We Read, a literary program which airs on CAN-TV in Chicago. She will also be inducted into the 2008 Who’s Who in Black Houston.

2008 Romance Slam Jam Winners

2008 Romance Slam Jam Winners


The Romance Slam Jam was a blast! Some of the most influential writers in the African American literary industry were present for the 2008 Romance Slam Jam Conference which took place this weekend in Chicago, IL.


The winners of 2008 Romance Slam Jam book categories:


Beverly Jenkins-Author of the Year
Favorite anthology
Favorite hero
Favorite heroine
Favorite novel
Favorite novella
Favorite suspense
Cover of the Year-Deadly Sexy


LaConnie Taylor-Jones: Best Debut Author

Francis Ray: Favorite Sequel

Deatri King-Bey: Favorite Steamy Novel
Listen to the Black Authors Network tribute to the Romance Slam Jam authors and the quality literature that each author presents.
Click Here>>


Dancing Willow Tree Interview

Intimate Conversations With…Author Anita Ballard-Jones

Sankofa Literary Society Intimate Conversations With….Author Anita Ballard-Jones

Recently Ella Curry, CEO of EDC Creations ( and founder of the Sankofa Literary Society had the opportunity to talk with the author of book The Dancing Willow Tree, Anita Ballard-Jones.

Join us in a Intimate Conversation With…Author Anita Ballard-Jones
Listen to a dramatic reading from The Rehoboth Road and The Dancing Willow Tree—You are going to love this!

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
Answer: I guess I am one of those authors who broke the mold. From my youth until my early fifties, I never though of becoming a writer, except that I wanted to write a memoir about life with my brother who was developmentally disabled. Then, I believe it was the Lord’s will that I write Rehoboth Road . Suddenly I was hooked on writing.

How long does it take you to write a book?
Answer: I wrote the first 100 pages of Rehoboth Road in one night. Then, I completed the remainder of the novel over several years. I was not a serious writer and only worked on the manuscript sporadically. When I retired, I competed the manuscript in a few months. I completed the first draft of The Dancing Willow Tree in six months, but I worked on it at least eight hours a day. My third unpublished manuscript, Ring Around The Roses, was written in one year.

What is your work schedule like when you’re writing?
Answer: I’m retired, so I can write anytime I want. Most of the time I write in the evening, but I only write new material when I’m inspired. There are two parts to my work schedule, the creative and the corrective (editing). If I’m not inspired to be creative, I never write. I use this time to review what I have already written and do as much editing as I can.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
Answer: Working in a noisy environment. I like having the television or radio on. I really don’t like to be interrupted by family, but I like the family to go about their normal business around me. I don’t like to isolate myself in my office either. My family seems to understand when I’m working and they just move around me. I’ll work at the kitchen table or with my laptop in then living room or sunroom. I can tune out all the noise, but can spike to alertness if I’m needed. My creativity is stifled when I’m in a quiet place.

How do books get published?
Answer: I could write a book on ‘How to Get Published’. So let’s just speak about getting published. There are two ways to get published. You are lucky or unlucky 🙂 to be picked up by a mainstream publishing company. Unless you are a well known personality, your chances of being offered a lucrative contract are almost non existent. Most likely, if you are offered a contract, your advance will be under $2,000 and your royalty on the retail price of your book will be between 6 to 10 %. Your marketing budget will be zero or close to it, but worst of all, you will have signed the rights to your baby away for X period of years. If you think writing your novel was difficult, then get prepared to give up the next year of your life to market your book at your expense, and don’t quit your day job. Unless you are a best selling author, you will cry when you see your royalty check, because you know your book sold in the thousands; those low royalty percentages really hurt your pocket

The other way to get published is self publishing. You, the author can do for yourself what the mainstream publishing houses will do for you. Until you make that name for yourself and are willing to sign away the rights to your work, that lucrative contract will not come your way. After the cost of the book production and distribution, you will at lease have 25 to 30% profit on the retail price of each book. You will finance your own distribution and marketing expenses, but you will reap the benefits of your promotions and everything is tax deductable. Except for professional editing, you can cut the cost of producing you novel by learning to do some things for yourself:

-Becoming a license publisher. (Select a name for your company and go down to your local town hall and pay a small fee for a license and you are in business. Open a small business bank account.)

-Obtain ISBN numbers

-Obtain a barcode for each ISBN number when you need to use one.

-Obtaining a copyright

-Register your novel with the Library of Congress and obtain a Library of Congress Control Number

-Design your book cover

-Design your book interior and typeset your novel.

-Once your book is published register it with Bowker’s ‘Books In Print’

There are many books on the market, but I’ve found “SELF-PUBLISHING by Tom & Marilyn Ross to be the most informative.

I have been mainstream published and self-published, and I prefer to be a self-published author. I would not have been so eager to take this position a few years ago, but the Internet has made it possible for self-published authors to have great success, and book stores are more willing to carry self-published books in their stores.

Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?
Answer: From life and observation. Sometimes I hear or see a situation and I will make a note. I don’t use outlines. I only write when I’m inspired around a particular theme. Once my characters are developed they seem to take on a life of their own; this is more likely when my novel is inspired by a true life incidents.

When did you write your first book and how old were you?
Answer: Early fifties. I wrote a memoir titled, BROKEN BOND. I have not published it yet. It’s a personal look into my life and I’m not ready to share it with my reader.

What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
Answer: I love to fish; play the computer game, NEED FOR SPEED; go to the movies, and read, but I don’t like to read as much as I did before I became an author. It seems I do more book editing and that slows down my reading.

What does your family think of your writing?
Answer: They are very supportive and are always telling me about things I should write about.

What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
Answer: When I was in high school (back in the late 60s), I remember telling myself there were two things I never wanted to be in life, a doctor and a writer. I was never a doctor, but I was a Treatment Team Leader, whereas I supervised doctors as a hospital administrator, and then I became an author. So I would say the most surprising thing I learned was that I could write. When my fans wrote to tell me how much they enjoyed my novel, I felt authenticated as an author.

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

Answer: I have two published books, REHOBOTH ROAD and THE DANCING WILLOW TREE. I also have three completed manuscripts, BROKEN BOND (my memoir), RING AROUND THE ROSES ( a novel inspired by a true story about six inner city children who raised themselves because their parents were drug addicts), and a series of short stories based on my personal experiences and observations. REHOBOTH ROAD and THE DANCING WILLOW TREE are currently my favorite, however, as soon as I publish my manuscript, RING AROUND THE ROSES I plan to submit it for consideration for a PULITZER PRIZE. I was more inspired to write this novel than I was when I wrote REHOBOTH ROAD . Ignorance prevented me from submitting REHOBOTH ROAD to the Pulitzer Foundation.

Do you have any suggestions to help me become a better writer? If so, what are they?
Answer: Be inspired when writing. Be your best critic. Write, re-write, re-write, re-write, re-write, etc. When you are inspired to write, then write. Don’t stop to correct your writing because you will loose your trend of thought. When your inspiration is gone, then correct what you have written.

Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?
Answer: Yes. My readers write me all the time and I love it. Most of the time I receive letters of praise, and there are a few who point out issues. Some of the issues are helpful and constructive. I try to respond to everyone within twenty-four hours

Thank you Anita for taking time to visit with the Sankofa Literary Society. As always it was a pleasure speaking with you. We look forward to seeing you at the top!

Warmest regards,
Ella Curry, 
President/CEO EDC Creations
Black Author Network Radio-Founder
Sankofa Literary Society-Founder
A Good Book-Marketing Director

Author Monica Carter Tagore eTour Begins

Meet Monica Carter Tagore on  her April 2008 Virtual Book Tour

Monica will be the guest blogger for the Literary Divas
April 6-12, 2008 all week

Author and speaker Monica Carter Tagore


Monica Carter Tagore is a successful business owner and award-winning author, who reveals her key to achievement, in her book Zoom Power: Your Key to Hitting Your Personal, Business and Financial Targets. She also packs the book with insights and advice from high achievers who are at the top of their field, including award-winning filmmaker and author
William Joyce, bestselling author Judy Pace Christie, internationally known speaker Les Brown, self-made millionaire philanthropist Dr. Deavra Daughtry, and more.

This is a book for people who are tired of doing what they’ve always done and getting what they’ve always got. It’s for people who are ready to make real personal, professional and financial changes in their lives. It’s for people who want 2008 to be their best year yet. Check out Zoom Power: Your Key to Hitting Your Personal, Business and Financial Targets.

Read more about the beautiful and talented Monica Carter Tagore



Monica Carter Guest Blogger

Savvy Sister Blog—April 6-12, 2008 all week

Literary Divas Blog—April 6-12, 2008 all week

Shelia Goss Blog—April 13-19, 2008 all week

Bookclub Chat (4 groups)—Friday, April 18, 2008; 8pm-8:30pm EST
Interview by Cyrus Web of Conversations Bookclub
Authors dial-in number: (646) 200-0402

SLS Bookclub Center featured author—all month
Featured author for April


Monica as Radio Show Guest

Literary Pizzazz Radio Show– Saturday, April 5, 2008; 8:00am CST
Call-in Number: (646) 478-5460

Sunday Best/Urban Lit. Review—Sunday, April 6, 2008; 3:00pm EST
Call-in Number: (347) 215-8932

Virtual Booksigning at BAN,Wednesday, April 9, 2008; 8-10pm EST
Authors dial-in number: (646) 200-0402

The Renee Bobb Show—Tuesday, April 8, 2008; 9pm-9:30pm EST
Call-in Number: (347) 838-8061

Worth More Than Rubies—Friday, April 11, 2008; 11am CST
Call-in Number: 1-800-372-6408

Fresh Hope Talk Show—Monday, April 14, 2008; 10:30am CST
Call-in Number: (347) 324-5659

Intimate Conversations with Sankofa Literary Society
Wednesday, April 16, 2008 and Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Daily 11:30 AM-12noon EST for SLS Literary Power Review
Call in to show: (724) 444-7444
Talkcast ID: 41756#

Monica Carter Tagore e-Tour Showcase
BAN Website:

DO YOU! Seminar at Black Authors Network Radio
Wednesday, April 30, 2008 at 8:30-8:45 pm EST
Discussing staying focused on your dreams; how to set SMART goals
Authors dial-in number: (646) 200-0402



C&B Books Distribution

C&B BOOKS, was started in 1995, by Carol Rogers & Brenda Piper.The motivation behind this book business, was the lack of affordable books written by black authors.  We decided to become an asset to our Youth and the African American community in a whole.  We offer our books for less then the major stores, we knew this would provide our readers with a wider variety of reading material. We have, titles for all ages in all catagories, fiction, non-fiction, spiritual, inspirational, educational etc.

is sponsoring the 4th Annual

Starting in just three years after its launch, C&B Books Distribution has developed a well anticipated event in its Annual Book Fair. This year they proudly present the Fourth Annual Book & Health Fair which promises to be better than ever.

 C&B Books Distribution

90-40 160th. Street Jamaica NY 11432
August 30, 2008 12 Noon – 7 PM

C&B Books Distribution


“Each One Teach One”

Black Authors Network e-Magazine

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size on your screen. To be showcased in the magazine, please visit our
and check out the ad placement, or email Ella at:

Showcasing today’s hottest author and
poets in African-American literature

Get connected

Now there are two places to stay connected….Get alerts when I make new posts at the Sable Lit Lounge by joining me at the Sable Lit Lounge newsgroup!
The Sable Lit Lounge is an interactive newsletter moderated by debut Interracial/Multicultural Romance Author, Laura Major. The purpose of the group is to allow lovers of interracial and multicultural romantic fiction to come together and discuss the genre and the industry, as well as learn about the latest news and events involving the industry’s leading interracial and multicultural romance writers.The Sable Lit Lounge MSN Newsgroup is also the home of debut author, Laura Major’s personal newsletter. Get the latest news regarding her writing career, special literary events and industry happenings, all in one place.

Is Life Really as It Seems?

Back by popular demand–Life is Never as it Seems by J.J. Michael (Genesis-Press/Kensington March 2008), is now in mass market paperback. Purchase at all major bookstores and online at

Lindy Lee’s life changed forever during the summer of 1967.Raised in a strongly traditional religious environment, she suddenly finds herself having extraordinary paranormal experiences that leave her bewildered and frightened. Her grandfather, the minister of a large Baptist church, and her mother do everything they can to suppress Lindy’s intense psychic and healing abilities. In addition, she finds herself drawn to Nick, who has his own dark secrets, and to the mysterious and mystical Paul. Follow Lindy’s harrowing journey as she discovers a world of theology and spirituality through the teachings of a New Age group, called the Awakeners, and as she faces the love and betrayal of those closest to her.

*****by RAWSISTAZ Reviewers Intense Reading-With a mixture of paranormal and scripture revelations we’re treated to an exquisitely written novel.

Discussion questions:

1. Have you ever been betrayed by someone you loved or trusted?

2. Have you had a relationships that you preceived as one way only to find out something else?

3. Have you had to choose between your family’s religious faith and your own?

4. Have you ever had a psychic moment or two? Tell me about it.

EDC Creations Literary News and Events

Please visit our archives to hear all the recordings from our 29-day Black History Month event. We want to celebrate Black History 365 days a year! Download and share with your community. Please leave your comments after listening.

Ebook Publisher – Amira Press One year old this week!

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY AMIRA PRESS! Today, our doors have been opened for one year and it’s been a wonderful year! In our newsletter, we have a great anniversary contest going on! If you’d like to find out how to win MONTHS of free ebooks from Amira Press, email me back and let me know you’d like a copy of this months newsletter for details! Spread the word, let everyone know that Amira Press is honoring their 1 year anniversary with MONTHS of free ebooks to give away to 3 people. Hurry though, the deadline to enter is March 1!’

The Official Release of Mismatched

Can the traditional development of love survive cyber dating and the complications of ethnic variation?

Laura Major’s debut release of the multicultural contemporary romance, Mismatched takes a lighthearted yet sensual look at what happens when love is presented in a form that is unexpected and a manner that is unconventional.
Mismatched, which is set in the center of New York’s financial district and the New Jersey Suburbs, tells the story of Tessa Dennison, an African American finance professional who decides to option love on the Internet after a series of busted blind dates. To improve her odds, Tessa incorporates the gender expertise of Justin Martin her childhood friend and secret admirer.

Join Tessa and Justin for a matchmaking game like no other.

Laura Major has an English degree from Arizona State University and is an active member of the national organization Romance Writer’s of America and Interracial Multicultural Romance Readers online group as well as several other readers and writers groups.

ISBN: 978-1-934475-40-9

Amira Press, LLC
Baltimore, MD 21216

Coming Soon to Amira Press: Mismatched

Tessa Dennison, an early-thirties finance professional, resolves to define love on her own terms after a series of busted blind dates.

Justin Martin, her best friend, has secretly loved Tessa since childhood. However, risking their friendship and their differing ethnic backgrounds holds him back. But it’s now or never when she convinces him to screen Internet bachelors for a love match.

Will Justin continue to let societal forces dictate his happiness or will he opt for full disclosure before Tessa finds a cyber match? Is Justin too firmly planted in the ‘friend zone’ to advance into Tessa’s dating portfolio?

Double Platinum – One Writers Ode to Women in Music

I am proud to present to you my fourth novel – Double Platinum. This book was written to celebrate my love for music. My goal was to show that celebrities are people just like you and I. I’ve interviewed various singers over the past few years such as Mary J Blige, Lisa Marie Presley, India Arie, Teena Marie and the list goes on and on. Although their backgrounds are different, each one of these women have one thing in common–they did not give up. They pursued their dreams so that we now have countless hours of music to listen to.

I listened to every thing from Sade to Janet Jackson while writing Double Platinum. The title of each chapter is purposely used to ignite your memory of classic songs.

Here’s what Double Platinum is about in a nutshell:

To the world, R&B mega star Parris Mitchell has it all: fame, money, jewelry and several gold and platinum records to go along with it. But now, with her singing career declining, she struggles with depression. Her last few albums were disappointments not only to her record label because of low sales, but to her devoted fans.

Casper Johnson is one of the hottest and most sought after producers in the music industry. All of the media attention has garnered “The Hit Maker” a playboy image. He’s getting tired of the same old sound and he’s looking for the right voice to help take his career to the next level. Parris agrees to give Casper a chance to revive her career.

When they get together, their working relationship quickly crosses the line and their drama from groupies and people from their past becomes the source of plenty of print for the paparazzi.

What others are saying about Double Platinum:

“Double Platinum moves at break neck speed and is a thoroughly enjoyable read. If you’re looking for a novel that successfully combines glamour, suspense and intrigue with a highly charged love affair then this is the novel for you.” ~ Janice Spence, Freelance Music Journalist (Gossip/News columnist and former contributor and Don Diva UK , etc.)

“An evocative look at the music industry from the inside. Double Platinum is a gripping portrayal of one woman’s quest to climb back to the top of the charts while overcoming personal obstacles”. ~ Vonnie Woods –

Entertainment writer Shelia M. Goss provides an exciting, unique and insightful look in to the music industry through the eyes of heroine Parris Mitchell in her fourth novel Double Platinum (Kensington Books; March 2008; ISBN: 1599830299; $6.99 U.S.).

Visit her website:

Don’t Let a Setback or Disappointment Stop You.

Anytime you suffer a setback or disappointment, put your head down and plow ahead.                                                                                                               Les Brown 

I was disappointed last week when Barack Obama didn’t win the New Hampshire primary. It became personal. I spent a lot of time on the phone and net with family, friends and other Obama supporters trying to figure out what went wrong. I was stressed. Meditating is my way to debunk the stress and to get answers from a Higher Source. I wasn’t finding peace from those stimulating conversations. Besides the campaign was just getting started and I needed to get grounded in my truths and not buy into all the combative energy of the campaign. Obama stated that the lost of the primary was more valuable at this time in the campaign, because it taught him that America was not going to hand him the nomination, he had to work for it. And that’s the truth. You have to work for whatever you desire.  As a writer, I have received many rejection letters and critical reviews of my work. I didn’t give up. I realized I had to work for it and not give up based on someone else’s perspective. I did what Les Brown said: Anytime you suffer a setback or disappointment, put your head down and plow ahead. I plowed ahead and I am now a published author.  Setbacks and hurdles are put in our path as lessons. They teach us strength, perseverance, concentration, self-improvement, and humility.  It’s not always about the outcome, but about the effort you put forth. Your job is to give it your best and leave the rest to God. For all those with goals and dreams put your head down and plow ahead.  

JJ Michael is an intuitive numerologist and author of Life is Never as It Seems, It’s Not Over Yet and the Path to Truth. She is also the editor of Path2truth ezine that promotes self-realization and world peace.  

Free Publicity for Entrepreneurs

Free Publicity for Online and Brick & Mortar

In the last couple of years, I’ve come across an amazing, no-cost way to obtain great publicity for your company, website, or organization. And all it takes is a little elbow power (or a few bucks to hire a writer with same) and the information about where and how to get the notice.

Today there are over 300,000 online newsletters and electronic magazines (often called _ezines- for short) and the numbers grow daily. They cover virtually any topic you can think of, ranging from working at home to parenting to genealogy.

But here’s the biggest secret of all: Most of them rely on outside contributors for their information. In fact, many ezine publishers are starving for quality content. Consequently, they need experts (and you are an expert on something, aren’t you?) to provide short articles, tips, and advice to their readers. And we’re not talking major treatises or giant tomes here; most ezines publish articles as short as a paragraph or two.

Usually, you won’t get paid a dime for your contribution. However, because the publication will run your byline (which includes your name, company, and address — either physical or cyber), you’ll end up getting leads in the dozens or hundreds every time your article runs.

That’s dozens or hundreds of new visitors to your shop, website, or publication. For free. So, just how do you go about finding ezines that want what you have to contribute? Well, you can find and approach individual publishers and offer your articles or tips. But that’s often time-consuming, frustrating, and difficult.

The single best approach is simply to post your contribution to one of the growing number of free article distribution services that are sprouting up across the Web.

These services are frequented by ezine publishers looking for content and posting information about your article is the quickest way to get noticed. Depending upon the individual service, to post your article on their site, set up an autoresponder (a reply service that sends your article automatically to anyone who requests it, all without your intervention), or include the article or information about it in an online announcement service that they offer.

Here are my favorite places to announce your articles:

Business Opportunities and Classifieds OnlineGeared strictly for small and home office businesses, this site features articles from business writers and professionals on related topics.

CyberProsper websiteFocuses on Internet marketing. If selected, your article will receive its own webpage and be linked to the CyberProsper home page.

EzineArticles websiteProvides an ezine and a website with archived and autoresponder-based articles. Selected articles will be referenced in the daily or weekly version of the ezine.

Ezine Factory websitePublishers can download and reprint the articles stored at this site free of charge. Authors can add articles to the site once they have been accepted by the webmaster.

Free Content ezineThis ezine lets authors submit article summaries and publishers list needs. The editor prefers article summaries, but recent issues of the ezine have included complete works.

IdeaMarketers website A very thorough site. If you’re looking for broad exposure, I’d make this one of your first stops. You actually post your complete article to the site.

InfoZone website This one offers a pretty thorough directory of articles designed for both publishers and authors alike. All articles are stored online at the InfoZone site, and you can also link to your site.

IQLibrary websiteThis site is a new one and is owned by my company, Our plan is to offer a broad range of professional, business, how-to, computing, and Internet articles for publishers to use. However, we will be highly selective in the authors that we include at the site. Please check back frequently to see what we’ve added.

LRS Marketing websiteThis site offers several Internet marketing articles by some of the better known names in the business. Check out the site at: Send articles to

MediaPeak website Provides free content to over 2,000 online publishers. The content is distributed to publishers via an email service, to which you can subscribe by sending a blank e-mail to: Submit complete articles and up to four-line tag lines to or Articles are archived at the following website: The site also has a content exchange section where publishers announce their needs.

PublishInYours ezine Designed primarily for you to post complete articles. Web-Source websiteYou can submit your article reference, as long as it’s in an autoresponder, to the website at the following address: You can also subscribe to and submit articles to the companion ezine, the Writer and Publisher Connection, by sending a blank e-mail to:

WriteBusiness website In the _Articles Reprint_ section. Writers & Publishers Online ezine If you’re a publisher with article needs, or an author with articles you want to distribute to online publications, send a summary of your needs to: To subscribe to this excellent monthly publication, I suggest subscribing first to get a feel for the style of the publication and the format of your submissions.

Michael Werner is the former President and founder of two-time INC. 500 company, InfoSource, Inc. He is currently the CEO of, a publisher of how-to, business, computing, and Internet ebooks and tools. You can subscribe to the company’s award-winning, all original-content ezine, The DirtSmart Netpreneur, featuring weekly news and tools for the small enterprise and home-based business webmaster.

Subscribe at: Copyright © 2007, LLC

Kickstart Your Website Traffic

7 guaranteed techniques to kickstart your website traffic
– By: John Ugoshowa

Internet. Business. Profit. To fully integrate all of these words into a successful merging you will need another word. Traffic. Every article you will find about making your site or company successful would always include the importance of generating traffic.

So, we all know that in the core of it all, traffic is the most essential thing to a successful internet based business company. Aside from ensuring that you have a great product to sell, and you have your company’s internal organization well taken core of, it would be time to get to the nitty gritty of things, generating traffic.

If you already have a site and you want think that you’re not getting the traffic that you’re supposed to be getting, then its time to reconsider. If you are contending in these very competitive business, you should always be a step ahead of your competition, increasing your traffic flow should have been done starting yesterday.

Timing is essential, that’s an old adage known to everyone. But with generating traffic, you should always be on your toes and be a day ahead of everyone. Never think of today and tomorrow as a starting point for making your site traffic laden, it should always have been yesterday.

To help you out in generating more traffic for your site, here are some seven surefire ways to increase your traffic starting from yesterday.

1) Invest in good advertising with search engines Google’s Adwords and Yahoo’s Overture provide great advertising schemes that are very truly popular and assures great traffic.

Although with this surefire way to increase your traffic would cost some money. While some would shy away from spending money to increase traffic, it is imperative in this case to do so because Adwords and Overture is the top surefire way to increase your traffic. You could see for yourself the success this search engine advertising methods have reaped rewards for so many companies. Lots of site feature these advertising system and many have signed on to reap the benefits. Do not be left behind. Every penny is worth it with using Google and Yahoo’s advertising.

2) Exchange or Trade Links with other sites With exchanging links with other sites, both of you will benefit from the efforts both of you do to enhance your sites traffic. When one site features another sites link, they could provide one another with the traffic one site generates. The efforts are doubly beneficial because it would seem like both of you are working to generate more traffic. The more links traded with more sites the more traffic could be expected.

3) Use Viral Marketing Viral marketing allows you to spread the word about your company and product without any costs or if ever low costs only. This is a marketing method that can be quite sneaky; you can attach your company’s name, product or link to a certain media such as a funny video, entertaining game, an interesting article or a gossip or buzz. With this method, people get infected with the creativity and entertainment of the medium that they will pass it on to many people.

4) Search and use proper keywords or keyword phrases for your sites content Search engines look for certain keywords that they would show in their results page. In doing so, having the right keyword and keyword phrase is a high requirement in ranking in high in search engine results. You could write your own content or you could hire someone to do it for you.

5) Write Articles that can lead traffic to your site Submit articles to sites that would contain the same subject that your site deals in. If you sell car parts write press releases and articles about cars and car parts. Attach your sites description and services at the end of the article as well as the link.

6) Join forums and form online communities Capture a market and show your expertise and credibility. When you found a good foundation for your site, people will trust you and your site and will pass on to many people their trust. Traffic will certainly increase because they know that you can provide what they need.

7) Lastly, Offer newsletters If many people know what you are about and your existence is shared with many others, you will find a loyal traffic that can provide you with more traffic by recommendation. If you arouse the curiosity of your customers they would be pushed to help you with your traffic.

7 fool proof methods for getting massive website traffic byJohn Ugoshowa. For more information about website traffic see the website traffic section of directory at:

How to Effectively Promote Your Book Online

How to Effectively Promote Your Book Online
Written by Michael Fleischner Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Self published novel or ebook? Generate sales with proven online marketing strategies. If you’re looking to market your personally authored book or ebook, learn from the Internet marketing experts. Selling books online is a great way to promote your product and increase sales.

Although many marketing methods are available, there are some in particular that have proven to generate above average results for selling books – printed and electronic. Learn more about each of the following if you’re ready to start selling and be sure to seek guidance from those who have already successfully marketed online.

1. Develop a Website or Blog. Thinking that it’s not worth developing a website or blog for a single publication? Think again. Today, acquiring a domain name is easier than ever – and it costs less than $10. Additionally, you can buy a website or a website template for about $75.

If you know some very basic HTML, you can develop a website for less than a hundred dollars. Having a website that is only focused on a single publication can work wonders for promoting your product. Blogs are even easier to create. Already have a website but need a blog?

Visit,, or simply type in “free blog” into Google. You’ll quickly find a whole host of free blog sites that help you set up a blog in less than five minutes. Once you’ve created your blog, enter a post about your ebook and provide a link to your online store or order form. If you’re looking for a way to process online transactions, visit For about twelve dollars per month, you can process transactions for those wishing to purchase your book online. There are other online transaction management tools you can use, but Paypal is one of the easiest I’ve used to set up and accept online transactions.

2. Online Marketing (PPC) By now you’ve heard of Google Adwords. Other providers such as Yahoo! and MSN also offer pay-per-click programs. These online marketing programs allow you to promote your book or e-book to a very targeted audience. For example, if your book is about “antique lamp shades”, you can purchase the keyword phrase, “antique lamp shades” to display on sites that offer related content. As a result, those seeing your ad can click through to your website or Jump Page.

The best part about pay-per-click advertising is that you only pay when someone clicks on your advertisement. Be careful though, you could end up with a lot of clicks and only a few conversions. Test multiple campaigns and evaluate their effectiveness on a daily basis. Google offers you free tools that can help you evaluate the results of your campaign in greater detail such as Google Analytics.

3. Specific Jump Page/Testimonials(audio and written) Short of building an entire website or starting a blog, you could simply build a single jump page. A jump page is a promotional page that pitches your product or service. There are tons of successful jump pages out there that you can reproduce with your own content. The most successful jump pages are those that are easy to read and include testimonials. Testimonials from book reviewers are very influential. To make your jump page even more compelling, offer print and audio testimonials. A good site to follow is SEO Elite

4. Samples One of the most effective marketing strategies on the planet is sampling. You see companies offering samples to invite users to try their products or services. The same can be true for book purchasers. Share a summary, a chapter, or let them peruse your book. Just spend some time on and you’ll quickly see how promotion and access can play a major role in the purchase decision. One great technique is to offer a small sample for free. Offer additional access (perhaps to a full chapter), after users provide you with their name and email address. This allows you to touch prospective purchasers via email after they’ve contacted you, keeping their interest high and continuing to promote your publication.

5. Email marketing With the 2003 introduction of CAN-SPAM legislation, email marketers must be very careful about who they email and how. Learn CAN-SPAM basics before you begin emailing people. A couple of things to keep in mind from an email marketing perspective is that your own list (of emails collected via your website) will almost always perform better than a purchased list. Think about ways you can collect the names of individuals visiting your website such as offering a free summary or excerpt in exchange for their name and email address. From a CAN-SPAM perspective, make sure your physical address is included on each email and offer an opt-out. If a recipient asks to be taken off your list, remove him/her within 10 days. You can also use an online service to help manage your email marketing. Online email providers are very careful about conforming to email marketing standards and will lead you through the process step-by-step.

6. Refer a friend Your current customers can be your best marketers. Once an individual has purchased your book, be sure to give them a reason to refer others. Perhaps you can offer them a special promotion on a different product or perhaps additional content that wasn’t available with their first purchase. Offering a friends and family coupon is another great way to generate additional sales. Something as simple as a $5 off coupon is a great way to promote your product and create buzz. Whatever tactic you use in your email, be sure to encourage customers to refer others.

7. Affiliate program Are there other websites that attract the audience that would be perfect for your book? If so, contact them via phone or email and see if they’d be willing to sell your publication in exchange for a commission. This is a great way to reach an audience in an affordable way and is considered an affiliate program. Most of the successful products being sold online today are not being promoted from a single website.

Rather, many sites are promoting a given product or service. These sites are often referred to as niche sites as they cater to specific audience or segment. In addition to doing some research on your own, you can also investigate affiliate program sites that you can use to promote your product. Affiliate sites bring together advertisers and publishers. The publishers provide the content, software, or resources, and the advertisers promote these products in exchange for a sales commission.

Marketing your book or ebook takes time but can have significant pay-off. Utilize some or all of the marketing methods described above to sell you book online. These methods have been used by some of the most successful internet marketers promoting print and electronic book products online.

Internet marketing doesn’t have to be complicated. Learn from the experts and follow internet marketing strategies like those above which have already proven successful. Michael Fleischner is an Search Engine Optimization Specialist with more than 12 years of Internet marketing experience. For free marketing articles and SEO resources, visit

Article Source:

About The Author:Michael Fleischner is an Search Engine Optimization Specialist with more than 12 years of Internet marketing experience. For free marketing articles and SEO resources, visit

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We are alive to witness a time when humankind is using computer technology to push the limits of knowledge and freedom. We connect in the digital underworld of the Internet. Information and services are available at our convenience, making human contact unnecessary.

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